Baby Horse Sticks By Mom’s Side To Signal Trouble And Rescuers Come To Save The Day

Being a wild animal has its perks. They get to roam free wherever they want, whenever they want. They aren’t chained or confined; they get to be in their natural habitat – the list goes on. However, the one perk of being on a reserve is having human help nearby when trouble strikes. It’s these dangerous situations that can result in some unfortunate circumstances otherwise.

It was the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals that came to this mare’s rescue when she found herself in a tricky situation – she had managed to tangle up her hoof in her mane, rendering her helpless. Her poor baby foal is nearby pacing, confused and unable to help her.

She and her foal were spotted from a distance, the brown foal nervously hanging around, as the mare struggles, trying to use the momentum of her body as a way to hoist herself up. Finally, rescuers were able to get close enough to soothe and calm her, by petting her and getting her comfortable with the presence of humans.

They managed to snip her knotted mane around her hoof, not actually having to cut too much off. The foal starts to jump around and excitedly runs in circles around the mare and rescuer. Mom still couldn’t muster the strength to get up just quite yet. The poor mare appears to have exhausted herself, having gone through such a tiresome and traumatizing ordeal.

She tries a few more times to get up until — success! Baby walks over to see how she’s doing, and off they go, slowly and carefully making their way.

Click below to see this adorable foal not give up hope as she sticks it out with mom.

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