Baby’s Howling With Family Dogs In “Competition” Is Literally Too Cute For Words

If you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em, isn’t that how the adage goes? It’s certainly how this cute baby approaches the common encounter he finds himself in with the two lovable pups he’s got in his household.

Two labs, one chocolate and one yellow, routinely engage in howling competitions. One dog or any random old sound sets off the other dog, like an ambulance passing by, a dish dropping, or someone stomping up the stairs, triggering both dogs to start barking. Either way, it ends up in a stand-off, an anything-you-can-howl-at-I-can-howl-better-at kind of situation.

This video is particularly adorable because it isn’t your average cutesy video. This is one outstanding baby who is completely unafraid of two large dogs barking up each other’s tree. Even though howling has been embedded into a dog’s DNA for centuries to signal danger, pass on a message or alert food, it’s most certainly not normal behavior for a baby! But this little guy is a part of the pack.

Just as the two pups are getting into it, the baby looks over, tilts his head back and mimics his furry friends’ funny sounds – and it’s just so darn cute. Baby is a natural and stands his ground. His sounds are mild but are in the making of becoming something authentic. This could be the beginning of a very interesting friendship.

Click below to see something you don’t often get to see – this is one for the books.

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