Woman Is Tired Of Hiding Grey Hair And Gets A Short Makeover

Sometimes all you need is a small change. If you feel like your house is starting to look boring, maybe a change in the paint will help jazz it up a little bit. Or, if your daily routine is getting redundant, then making a small detour in your route to get to work, and that can make all the difference. It’s all in the small things. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “A little goes a long way.” This common saying has justified so many scenarios, holding true to so much in our lives. I think the same goes for something like a physical makeover.

When you think of the term “makeover” one of the first things that comes to mind is a drastic change or transformation, in which someone takes the hot seat at the salon and walks out unrecognizable. Right? Although makeovers are meant to add that dramatic effect, a lot of the times, people don’t look too far off from what they went in looking like — that’s a good thing! A good makeover allows you to feel like a refreshed version of yourself, without feeling like you’re a whole new person who doesn’t look like the old you — that’s not authentic.

Let’s take 41-year-old Kerry Grundhoefer as an example. Kerry was ready for a change in her appearance, and so she approached celebrity stylist Christopher to help her out. Of course, Chris was all game!

All she really wanted was a change in her hair. Kerry had spent years hiding her grey hair under artificial coloring products; she damaged her hair as well, and it needed repair. So,  not only did the woman want to restore her hair’s health but she also wanted to chop it all off! Talk about going drastic! But, if you have long hair, then you’ll understand her frustration with it.

She had had enough of the long locks (maintenance can be tough) and wanted to surprise her husband and friends with a cute pixie look instead (great idea!). Of course, Chris was all for it! This transformation easily goes to show how cutting off some long hair goes a long way. The move was daring but simple at the same time. And, it’s nothing that can’t be grown back just in case Kerry didn’t like it. But, that didn’t happen, of course!

Click on the link below and watch as Chris turns Kerry’s look from drab to fab, in no time!

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