If you have ever owned a dog, or still do, then you know that feeling in which you understand that your dog is the cutest thing in the world. I mean, of course, you find others’ dogs cute too, but the biases kick in almost instantly and in the back of your head, you’re really thinking, “My dog is better than yours.”
There’s no judging you if this is how you are because 99.9% of other dog owners think the same way you do! Everyone loves their dog the most and thinks highly of him or her. Justified!
Regardless of how you may feel about others’ pups, if there’s one thing that everyone can agree on, it is that Huskies are a rather different and very regal breed. One look at them and you are blown away by how beautiful they really are. If you’re a firm believer in this, then chances are that you don’t need any further convincing. If, however, you feel otherwise, then we’re here to sway your opinion.
The photos below will prove just how majestic Huskies can really be, check them out!
1. They come in various colors.
2. Their demeanor and stance make it seem like they belong to a very royal family.
3. Adventure is in their b***d.
4. They have the most beautiful eyes that look like they hold power to look into your soul.
5. Huskies are a loyal companion, like every other dog. They’re also always up for a snuggle session.
6. They’re undeniably cute!
We’re sure you haven’t had enough of these cute pups just yet!
Although I have never owned a Husky before, I think it’s safe to say that my next breed of dog will have to be this one. They are loyal, friendly and look absolutely gorgeous. A lot of people say that they can be hard maintenance, but I believe otherwise if you’re up for some activity and a partner to go with you!
7. The ones with two different eye colors are strikingly gorgeous.
8. Did you know that Huskies get more mellow and gentler as they age?
9. But they’ll always have their goofy side.
10. Because they’re always up for an adventure, your Husky would be the ultimate road trip partner.
11. Especially if it’s a road trip in the winter because snow is their happy place.
12. They have a wolf-like resemblance, which starts to develop very early.
13. They do always need to be entertained because Huskies can be easily bored.
14. Huskies adapt to their surroundings very easily.
15. A Husky is a friendly dog that makes friends very quickly. Don’t you want one just about now?
Have you ever owned a Husky, or have one now? Give us your thoughts on this breed in the comments below!
Article source: Animal Channel