Youthful 85-Year-Old Asks Family To Lay Her Down In Snow To Fulfill Birthday Wish

When it snows, it’s easy to focus on the commotion it causes like traffic delays, slippery conditions, more shoveling, and the list goes on. Snow can get mucky and gray, and not too pleasant if it piles up past a few centimeters.

On the other hand, snow can be beautiful and bring along plenty of fun activities. Sure it’s a little cold and wet, but there are things to be grateful for when there’s snow on the ground. 

Take this 85-year-old grandma who wanted to celebrate her birthday a little differently this year. Instead of big-ticket birthday items, or material possessions that would collect dust or lose their novelty, this young-at-heart grandma had a request.

With a little help from her daughter and son-in-law, the two helped grandma put on her coat and shoes, and escorted her outside on a bright day with the perfect amount of snowfall. Grandma’s wintery wish? To be helped to the ground so she can lie down and make a snow angel.

And so the couple carefully lower her down, and grandma is laughing out loud, thrilled to be sitting in the snow, about to make her simple wish come true. She even has a bit of spunk, telling her daughter to “…get out of the way so I can make my angel!” And off she goes, joined by her daughter to the right.

Click below to see how sometimes it’s the small things in life that make all the difference.

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