Mama Dolphin Gives Birth

Do you believe in miracles? My answer would be, “sometimes.” The reason why I’m on the fence about this topic is that I like to think logically. Things happen for a reason, and there is always a reason behind it. But, then, sometimes things happen that don’t quite have an explanation, and you’re better off categorizing it as a “miracle.” Are you following what I’m saying? If not, then the video below is a clear example of what I mean.

Dolphins are known to be social creatures. Curious and outgoing, dolphins approach humans like friends, getting close, and wanting to play or show off. They are used to being around many people, and their intelligence makes them a crowd favorite. Even in their natural habitat, they prompt a social interaction by swimming right up to people.

Something similar happens in the video below. We see a lone diver with a large dolphin, swimming around in circles in a specific area. The dolphin appears to be a little more distressed than usual. I don’t think you need to be a professional to know exactly what’s happening with this mama dolphin.

Upon looking near the tail-end of the dolphin, it’s immediately clear that there’s a small tail just below! Mama dolphin is midway through the birthing process. There are a few people around now (and some fishy friends floating on by), but mom seems pretty comfortable with the small audience that has accumulated around her.

At one point she thrusts backward, nearing the sandy bottom, looking like she might be struggling a little more. She swims away to come back, and after one final push, she delivers a writhing, flipping, energetic tiny version of herself! The dolphin pup is happy to be alive as he swims away the second he’s arrived at planet earth, before returning to be at mom’s side. He nuzzles closely into her, flipping quickly and learning how to swim. The little one will need to stick around mom for some time so he/she can learn the ways of the underwater world. This sight was quite phenomenal to watch. It’s true when they say that giving birth, and even watching a life be born, is a true miracle.

After the birth, the two carry on, swimming and playing, meeting each other for the first time in this beautiful postpartum swim-along. Click below to see the miracle of birth – the underwater edition.

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