Zoo Captures Rare Recording Of Cute Baby Giraffe Trying To Talk

It’s normal for every one of us to be absorbed in our own lives and problems. We think about work, family, what we need to pick up at the store and what we’re going to make for dinner. It makes sense that the tiny things that make up our own lives take up most of our time and energy. There’s nothing wrong with that, but occasionally it’s important to take a step back and remember that we are only one, tiny being in a huge world filled with other life.

Not only are there other humans with their own struggles, problems, joys, and triumphs, but we share the earth with countless species of animals, bugs, fish, and plants. We don’t always recognize it, but we are just one species. Even though we may be at the top of the food chain, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we are any more important. From the microscopic animals to the huge blue whale, everything has its place in the world.

As humans, we do take the time to learn about other species. Often, this is as simple as a trip to the zoo. I’m fortunate to be within hours of Washington, D.C. and even though there are amazing monuments and museums to visit, the Smithsonian National Zoo is my favorite attraction.

It’s been a few years since I visited, so I’m not sure if there are any giraffes, but the Abilene Zoo in Texas has giraffes — including an adorable baby giraffe! Recently, keepers at the zoo were able to capture their baby giraffe vocalizing, and it’s definitely a unique sound. We usually think of giraffes as strong, graceful, silent animals, but this little guy certainly has a lot to say!

Watch and listen to the baby giraffe in the video below!

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