Happy Penguin Jumps Around Zoo While Others Look Annoyed

We all have a different way of expressing happiness. Some people may walk around with a big smile on their face whereas, for others, you may just see a twinkle in their eyes. Then there are some who cry tears of joy and those who jump up and down and can’t seem to contain their happiness; they start to give positive vibes that they can’t control. Our little penguin buddy in the video below comes from the latter group of people.

Now, we’re not quite sure why this little guy is so happy, it may be because of all the visitors that came by to see him, but he sure knows how to be a happy camper.

In the clip, you’ll see a penguin jumping up and down and flapping its wings. He’s got so much energy in him and it seems like jumping is the way to get it all out. Although passersby were probably amused to see him put on his little happy dance, his fellow penguins look quite unimpressed.

Perhaps they’re upset because this hyper penguin is thumping all over them and is not sorry at all! By the looks of it, all his other friends were having a quiet and relaxing day; they just want to lounge around and lay back, and do nothing. Is that too much to ask for?

Our Happy Feet friend probably thinks everyone should join in on the fun!

Click on the link below and watch the little penguin put on a fun and cute show for the zoogoers.

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