Boy Tries To Goes Sledding And Mini Horses Foil His Plan

As adults, most of us see the snow as a hassle. It means that the roads will be difficult to travel, there will be shoveling to do, and overall, it’s cold. Snow brings more work to do! But, for kids, snow is just the opposite. Snow means a day or more off from school and time to play outside in the fresh, white powder.

Remember when you were a kid? Instead of feeling cold and wet, being outside in the snow was an absolute joy. You made snow angels, had snowball fights, and of course, went sledding. I was lucky enough to have a great sledding hill right in front of my house, and all of the neighborhood kids gathered there for snow day fun.

The kid in this video is fortunate enough to grow up on a 100-acre farm, which means that there’s bound to be a good sledding hill on the property. And let’s not forget that wide-open spaces mean a lot more room for the snow to gather! But, because it’s a farm, that means you gotta share the best hill with the animals. Yep, even animals like to have fun in the snow, and you might have to put up a bit of a fight for the best spot.

Mother and daughter Marlene and Holly raise miniature horses on the farm, and Holly’s kids love growing up there. But, when they want to go sledding, they’re going to have to navigate around a herd of adorable miniature horses to get the coveted sledding spot.

Horses that are handled well from the time they are born are very social with humans. It looks like this herd is enjoying their day out playing in the snow, especially when a human playmate comes along. As he tries to sled, the herd of itty-bitty horses plays a hilarious game of follow-the-leader.

I can’t get enough of watching these cuties. It’s a beautiful day out to play in the snow for both the humans and the horses!

Watch them in the video below!

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