Soldier Comes Home To Adoring Kitty Waiting For Him After Months Away

It’s usually dogs who get the reputation for being loyal and missing their owners, but cats feel it too when their human parents disappear for months on end. They do know how to love; it’s just that sometimes they aren’t really that good at showing it.

Felines can live more independently and don’t mind their alone time spent grooming themselves endlessly or lazing around. However, as witnessed below, this poor little kitty had his heart broken when his human left him – but it’s about to start beating again.

In this short video, Finn, the cat, is nervously walking around the doorway meowing. He’s not really sure where to walk to, how to react or where to look. He’s a little discombobulated, as a background voice says, “Do you hear him? Is he home?”

Finn inches closer to the door, and reaches up towards the knob. He steps back, meowing loudly, hearing the sound of keys clinking and turning. Dad walks in, still dressed in military uniform and with full arms. Finn adoringly looks up to him.

The two are reunited, dad saying, “What’s going on buddy? It’s me!” to which the cat pounces three feet into the air to land in dad’s arms for long-awaited and much-needed cuddles, followed by meows of relief and lots of purrs.

Click below to catch Finn literally jumping for joy after much time spent apart from his favorite human.

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