UPS Driver Finds Gift On Doorstep And Security Camera Captures His Response

Since it’s Christmas, let’s admit to one thing: a lot of us left our shopping to the last minute and then hurriedly shopped online to get, hoping to get our gifts delivered in time for the big day. Did that happen? For the most part, yes! There are diligent workers at the postal office who get all your packages out just in time for Christmas or any other occasion for that matter.

All year round, in all types of weather, cold, hot, rainy, snowy, and icy, my UPS delivery driver never fails to show up. Because I live in a rural area, that means driving down my long, rough driveway, being greeted by a very large, thankfully friendly, but imposing looking dog, and carrying heavy packages across my yard to the front porch.

When I’m home, I usually go out and greet him and say ‘thank you.’ He always has a smile, a kind word, and a treat for my dog. He takes his time to carefully turn his truck around so that he doesn’t tear up the grass in my front yard and it is incredibly rare that I receive a damaged package.

As online shopping and delivery become more and more popular, UPS and other delivery drivers become more important to our everyday lives. We rely on them to deliver everything from housewares to groceries and even necessary prescription medications. If they stopped delivering, it would certainly make life more difficult, especially if, like me, you live far away from a city and use delivery as they only way to get certain items.

In the weeks leading up to the holidays, it was common for the UPS driver that comes to my house to still be delivering packages at 9 PM. It was cold and dark, but he still showed up. He deserves much more than the small gift I was able to give him.

The customers in this video also appreciate their reliable driver and left him a gift, hidden on the front porch for him to find when he delivered their package. What he didn’t realize was that their security camera captured him finding the present — and his hilarious reaction to the package.

Watch the heartwarming video here, and enjoy!

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