Husband’s Slippery And Comical Showdown With Trashcan Has Wife Laughing

Whether you reside in the U.S. or the U.K., the winter months can be dreadful for many, from strong blizzards that cancel school and work to heavy frost on our windshields. Okay, so maybe the former example is not so bad.) There are some out there who treasure the wintry weather, but for the majority, it seems to bring more harm than not.

One U.K. woman observed her husband bringing the trashcan from their curb up the driveway one cold day, only to leave her hysterical enough to start recording—boy, are we glad she did!

Husband Alun Miles was having a bit (or more than a bit) of trouble with the simple task, only to discover that the driveway was covered with a thin, slippery layer of ice, not something uncommon that time of year in the U.K. However, Miles did not give up so quickly. He was wise to try different techniques from pushing to pulling, to traveling quickly then slowly, with each attempt even more fun to watch than the previous.

So focused on the trashcan and oblivious to the fact that he was being recorded, Alun was slipping and sliding on the pavement and at some points appearing as he was giving up. At one point, when he was so close to making it, down the slippery slope he went. *sigh*

Somehow, after numerous attempts of little progress, and of course, the development that was followed by undesired regression, he was finally able to make it to the top of his driveway and lead the trash through their fence — mission accomplished! Not only did Alun complete his task, wintry weather and all, his wife also got plenty of giggles out.

For those of us who also have to deal with the extremities of winter, we can completely understand what Miles had to go through and surely found the footage both frustrating yet hilarious. Although, for those of us who have no idea firsthand what winter in many areas consists of, this is one perfect example of how the simple things become virtually rocket science as the weather changes; the struggle is real!

Don’t forget to watch the footage for yourself in the video below. Just Miles’ wife’s laugh alone will have you on the floor!

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