Tidy Beagle’s Interesting Bedtime Routine Gets Recorded

Let’s face it, we all want our bed to be comfortable and snug before we jump in and begin our night-long slumber. Especially if you’ve had a long day, it’s obvious that you’re looking forward to unwinding and relaxing in bed. But, of course, that’s not possible if you have stiff sheets, not-so-fluffy pillows, and a rather uncomfortable mattress, right? I think everyone can agree. Your bed is where you spend half of your life! It should be warm and inviting and make you feel like it’s all yours.

Whether you agree or feel differently, this little pup sure thinks his bed is his sanctuary – his little sacred space that is all for him!

Leroy is a house dog and has his fair share of roaming around the place doing as he pleases like eating and resting, throughout the day. So, he’s an animal very comfortable in his surroundings. He knows all the ins and outs of the place, able to hide in nooks and crannies or be out in the open looking for hugs and pets from his humans. He’s also very much all about bedtime. Leroy really looks forward to his cozy bed after a long day of…well, being at home!

Like every other dog, Leroy also has a bit of a bedtime routine that he follows to the T, every single day. But what makes him a little different is that he’s very particular. He knows what he likes and he can do it himself!

So, the pup can’t fall asleep unless his bed is just ideal for slumbering throughout the night. What makes his sleeping environment ideal? Fluffed pillows, sheets, and blankets. It’s no word of a lie when we say that Leroy likes the finer things in life and a good time sleep is one of them. Talk about luxury, right?

In the video, you’ll see the canine nuzzling the sheets, so they’re broken into, then stomping on the comforter to ensure that it’s just right to put on top, and wait till you see how he cuddles up and falls asleep. Now, that’s what I call a sophisticated pup!

But, don’t take our word for it. Click the link below for the full video!

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