Puppy Sleeps On The Job As Sneaky Baby “Drops In” To Steal Confidential Package

It must have been a rainy day for these parents because this creative idea is pretty clever. Albeit a little dangerous, it was probably well supervised. As long as it’s safe, why not have a little fun with your kid while they’re too young to put up a fuss? This will make for some fantastic home video viewing down the line or the perfect bit of footage to re-live at a future wedding!

This hilarious video starts off a little confusing-looking. You’re not really sure what’s going on or how to interpret what’s about to happen. Then, the music clicks in and you’re suddenly brought back to the late 1990s where Tom Cruise’s mega-hit Mission Impossible was bigger than life itself. It’ all makes sense now.

There’s a puppy on the couch minding his business entirely. He has no idea what’s about to happen, then poof! A baby comes into view. Perhaps Tom Cruise’s stand-in? Ok, he’s a little young, but you get the idea. This dangling toddler is about to pull an impossible mission! The baby’s moving shadow in the upper left corner becomes more obvious. First, a leg comes into view. Then a body, then a head, and then the dog’s hilarious reaction. He’s probably wondering what on earth is going on here!

The quest is simple: The child must grab the unknown package laying beside the…ahem…scary beast before he awakens and all h**l breaks loose. The baby is fully lowered, and bobbles around for a minute, unsure of what to do next until he makes eye contact with the package. He grabs it with one hand, and slowly but surely gets hoisted back up, away from the impending claws of danger.

It’s shocking there are no giggles or chuckles in this clip. Guaranteed the parents are in stitches in the background and how they kept it together, we will never know. If it was me, I would have died laughing. Probably bent over in stitches trying to kee it together. They’ve got to be proud that their kid is pretty skilled. He’s got balance, skill, and is already performing his stunts. Watch out parents, you might have created a daredevil!

Click on the link below to catch the entire mission underway!

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