All wedding ceremonies are typically serious. It’s where emotions run high, and tissues run low. From the moment the groom lays eyes on the blushing bride being walked down the aisle, it’s usually game over. Let the tears come as they may as this sacred milestone between a man and wife gets underway.
Or at least that’s how it is for most couples. In this laugh-so-hard-your-face-will-hurt video, the only crying here is out of sheer hilarity. Although the wedding moment between the couple is intact, and it’s a nice and emotional affair, what happens with the best man is beyond hilarious — it’s granted that more people are crying with laughter than with joy.
The bride and groom are ready and set to exchange vows at the altar. Everything is just about to get started when–poof!–the best man’s pants magically undo themselves and drop down to his ankles, revealing his backside in boxers. You can hear the cameraman exclaim, “Oh shoot!” as he breaks into a chuckle. The maid of honor is trying to contain herself (hand over her mouth), and the bride slides in close beside her husband-to-be unable to keep her calm. The best man quickly recovers and pulls up his bottoms while the priest lightheartedly throws out a joke in an attempt to ease the situation. But everyone just laughs harder, carrying on for minutes, even after the fact.
The groom cannot keep it together while the bride is seriously resisting. Their vows are interrupted with short bursts of laughter and giggles as they place rings on one another’s fingers. At this point, the best man has a handkerchief out wiping the tears from his eyes, and the priest drops another comment causing a ripple of giggles.
Just when you think the happy couple is out of the thick of it, the groom starts again and gets shushed by the bride who then starts to laugh with him. If these two can make the most out of a strange moment like this one, they’ve got a future full of laughs ahead.
Click on the link below and get a laugh out of the whole situation, yourself!