Horses Are Sent Out Into The Snow And They Really Don’t Like It

There are two types of people in this world. Those that LIKE that snow and those who HATE the snow. In this matter, there is on between, and I can understand why. It can get inconvenient to travel in, and it’s cold. But, on the flip side, the snow is also beautiful up in the mountains and makes for picturesque and scenic moments. Plus, it’s an indication of the holidays coming very soon! Regardless of its varying characteristics, snow is a hit-or-miss topic.

Do you know someone who loves the snow? I know if anyone asks one of my family members or friends this question, they’d all be pointing their fingers at ME! It may be weird to those who hate winter, but I know there are so many others who enjoy the snow and everything about it. I can’t say I have met many, but I have met a handful. Yes, it’s cold and wet, but it’s also beautiful to look at. And nothing is better than a white Christmas, either!

It’s too bad though that the horses in the video below don’t feel the same way about snow as I do. A lot of pets are forced to stay indoors once the snow hits, and this is because we want them to stay warm and not get sick. It’s different for horses, of course, because they’re always in a stable and long to get out. So, the clip shows what happens when these longing horses decide to step out for some fresh air.

When this human mom decided to let her horses out to get some fresh air and to play in the snow, hilarity ensues! Now, we can’t be sure whether or not they’ve been in the snow before, but as soon as they come out and the white fluffiness comes into contact with the two, they turn right back around and run into the barn! I was laughing out loud right at that instant.

That’s not the only funny part, though. They turn around and run in such perfect sync that it’s hard not to replay the short clip and watch it over and over again, just for laughs!

We bet they won’t be going outdoors the next time they see the snow falling from the sky.

Click on the video below and watch the two horses dislike the snow!

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