Shelter Worker Hands Two Malnourished Chihuahuas To Cat Who Then Saves Their Lives

We’ve said this once, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat it. Time and time again, cats and dogs have proven that they can, in fact, be the best of friends. There are so many stories that defy the commonly held belief that these two animals can’t live simultaneously in the same house, or be carers for one another. The story shared in the post today is one that goes beyond friendship It’s about a Siamese cat who mothered two Chihuahua-mix puppies. Now that’s a story worthy of sharing, right?

Debra Cantwell, of SPCA, says that the kitten acted as a mother to the two newborn puppies and even nursed them after they were prematurely born and then shunned by their mother.

Let this be a perfect example of how a mother’s instinct goes beyond their own species. The need to nurture, protect, and raise smaller little babies is intrinsic to every momma. It doesn’t matter where the babies come from. IF they are left behind, hurt or in need of care, a momma will be there!

Watch as this big-hearted kitty takes in the two abandoned pups. All three of them create a sweet and cozy little family that seems to be a good fit for everyone involved. It’s sad to say that the cat wasn’t able to live with the puppies forever because thankfully they were eventually given up for adoption and found a forever home of their own. The kitten, though, proved to be a great mother in the time that she got to spend with the two dogs.

This story touches our hearts and but has a bitter-sweet ending. As much as we were rooting for the three to be a happy family, we’re glad that everyone is with their loving families. How sweet is this story and how cute are the babies!?

Do you know any stories of cats and dogs in which they’ve proved to be family and helped one another in times of need? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

In the meantime, click on the link and watch their heartwarming story unfold.

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