Kitten Comes Through The Cat Door But Security Footage Shows That It’s Not Alone

Life is all about diversity. It’s absolutely fabulous when you can make a new friend who comes from a different city, country, or culture than you, as it gives you a unique perspective on life and allows you to learn more about this crazy world of ours.

But on the odd occasion, we find ourselves completely surprised at the friendships or relationships that are formed between two people or animals and this video will make you feel just that— amazed!

The clip was recorded almost 20 years ago, but to this day, still entertains people all over the world. Why? Because it shows one of the most adorable little occurrences that’ll warm your heart with joy.

It involves a cat that was out and about, enjoying the sunshine, perhaps going an adventure or two, who decided that it was tired and in need of returning to the comfort of its own home. But when it arrived, it did not do so on its own. Who was in-tow? A baby deer! Yes, these two animals managed to find each other while on their explorations, and the cute baby deer decided that it too would like to have a little gander around the cat’s home.

With that, you’ll see a cat with its new friend entering via the cat flap. The baby deer effortlessly slides its body through the flap, enters the house, and has a casual walkabout as if nothing were out of the ordinary! The short video clip is too cute for words, a must-see for those who would like a reason to smile today.

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