Animal Rescuer Goes Into Storm Drains To Search For Crying Puppies

Animals deserve love and care from us, especially those that do not have a place to call home.

Meet Callie

Callie Clemens, a former daughter-in-law of New York Yankees’ Roger Clemens, initiated a rescue mission for puppies stuck in the sewers.

Her Passion

She founded “Paws Off The Streets”, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to rescuing stray and dumped animals.

Cries For Help

Lately, there had been a report about puppies crossing a street in Houston. Their whimpers and cries could be heard echoing from the drains after they disappeared from sight.

Callie Stepped In

Callie and her dog, Giselle, a skilled puppy sniffer, took the initiative to rescue the puppies from the drain. She said, “I knew nobody would do it, so I had to jump in.”

Two Down

On her first try, Callie managed to find two of the black lab mutts on Friday and would be going back into the drain on Saturday night to find the rest. She said, “I know they’re still in there; I just think they’re further down.”

So She Went Back

Callie bravely went back into the drains to continue her search. She was accompanied by several volunteers who used dog sounds on their phones to try to lure the remaining puppies out.

The Professionals Also Came

The city has been supportive of Callie’s efforts since the beginning of her mission. They helped her unlock the drain and provided engineers to assist her and create a map of the drains.

It’s More Difficult

After a few hours of searching, Callie wasn’t able to retrieve the remaining puppies as they might have moved further north which can only be accessed through a different, narrower entrance.

The Mission Continues

In the meantime, Callie has left food and water for the remaining puppies, and she plans on spending the next two days searching for them. She said, “I’m invested, I am hopeful, and I remain optimistic. It’s very hard to get me to quit. I’m very passionate about it.”

Watch how persistent and driven Callie is to rescue all the lost puppies in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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