Rescued Baby Monkey Loves Riding Dog’s Back

YouTube, The Dodo

Although we can affirm that there are some similarities between us and monkeys, there are still quite a lot of differences.

Meet Avni

YouTube, The Dodo

Avni is a poor little monkey who has a painful past of being electrocuted and separated from her troop.

Luckily, she was rescued by Peepal Farm in Dhantu, India but she was in distress from being in a cage while recovering.

A Friend Came

YouTube, The Dodo

Things suddenly became better for her when a cat named Billo started sitting next to her cage and would visit her every day. After a few days, Billo began sitting inside of Avni’s cage with her.

Her Progress

YouTube, The Dodo

Billo’s presence helped Avni to adjust and calm down. Joelleen, the co-founder of Peepal Farm, said, “Her relationship with Billo really turned everything around.” After a month, Avni was already healed.

Exploring The Farm


When Avni got better, her playful personality started to come out. However, Billo wasn’t interested in Avni’s kind of play so the little monkey started exploring the farm and began making friends with the dogs who played back at her.

A New Friend

YouTube, The Dodo

Avni became very close with one of the dogs named Munnu who was dumped as a puppy and was rescued by the Peepal Farm with her sister named Chunnu who got adopted first.

Her Routine

YouTube, The Dodo

Eventually, Avni realized that she could ride Munnu’s back. Joelleen said, “Avni was hanging out with the dogs in the back and she must have grabbed onto him. Munnu was so gentle he was just like, ‘OK.'”

He’s Her Mama


Joeleen said that Avni may have been clinging onto Mannu’s back because she finds it comforting – as if she was holding her own mother.

Best Friends On A Walk

YouTube, The Dodo

Avni and Mannu started playing together every day, and whenever Mannu goes on walks, Anvi has to tag along too. Joelleen said, “If Munu didn’t go out, Avni wouldn’t go either. It was only with Munnu… As soon as Munnu would stand up Avni would run over and take a flying leap and grab onto his back.”

Watch Avni and Mannu’s adorable clingy friendship in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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