Devastated Woman Flies Across The Country For A Makeover


Although change can be frightening for some people, there are things in our lives we look forward to changing because we’re not happy with where we are right now.

Projecting Our Emotions


They say that no matter how hard we try to suppress our emotions, they still reflect on our physical appearance. That’s how important being presentable is.

Meet Phoebe


A 76-year-old woman named Phoebe from Vermont is longing to change something in herself after going through a rough season in her life.

Her Story


She just moved out of the home she lived in for 49 years, and this sudden change made her ill. Although she managed to recover, at around the same time, her son passed away from pancreatic cancer.

Coping With The Situation


When asked about how she’s doing so far, she said, “I’m feeling pretty good at the moment. I’m living day by day really and coping with a new way of life.”

So She Flew Across The Country


Phoebe flew all the way from Vermont to Minneapolis to meet the famous Makeover Guy, aka Christopher Hopkins.

He Transforms People


Christopher Hopkins is a former television personality and stage performer who now has an “appearance studio” in Minneapolis that’s famous for transforming people through makeovers.

Phoebe’s Result


Phoebe got hair and makeup services from the Makeover Guy, and even some clothing styling advice which usually comes from Hopkins’s very own mother.

Before And After


Phoebe’s before and after photos show how Christopher magically made her, according to a commenter, “30 years younger.”

Watch Phoebe’s beautiful transformation in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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