Woman Finds Out Who’s Been Visiting Her Brother’s Grave For 70 Years

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Many people love the thrill of solving a mystery.

Meet Ann

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Ann Kear was only 7 years old when her 12-year-old brother, Karl, passed away while on a camping trip.

An Unfateful Event


Little Karl went camping with his Boy Scout troop at Oxwich Bay in Wales when he sneaked and made a trek to the beach where he sadly didn’t make it out of the water.

A Mystery Visitor


Through the years, as Ann visits her brother’s grave, she would notice handwritten poems and fresh flowers being left by someone she doesn’t know.

She Got Curious


With the help of an investigative reporter, Ann tracked down everyone who went with her brother on the camping trip, but unfortunately, none of them is her brother’s mystery visitor.

Meeting Ronald

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As they kept on digging, Ann and Camila Ruiz, the investigative journalist, learned about Ronald Joseph Westborough who also went with Karl in the camp but changed his name when he remarried.

Karl Changed His Life


When asked why he’s visiting Karl’s grave, Ronald said, “We went to court (after trying to save Karl) and I always remember there was a policeman there, and he said ‘You did very well. Don you know, when you leave school, you ought to go into the police force.'” So he did.

The Mystery Is Still Unsolved


Despite finding out who’s been leaving the fresh flowers on Karl’s grave, Ronald said that the handwritten poems are not his, so this is still a case unsolved.

A Realization

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She might not have found out who’s behind the handwritten poems, but what Ann realized along the journey is that there are people whose lives are impacted by Karl even at his young age.

Watch how Ann found out who The Stranger at My Brother’s Grave is in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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