People Share Their Best Stories Of Swift Karma

50. Mess Around With Two Companies? You'll End Up Being Jobless
“I work for a staffing agency. I’m a recruiter. Pretty small team and this was actually another recruiter on my team that this happened to.
My co-worker was working with this guy who was pretty sharp. He was a programmer. His company was doing layoffs but he was told he wouldn’t be affected. My co-worker contacted him, chatted about the situation and he said he would be interested in looking around.
We just had a new client give us a position to help on that fit his background. We lined up an interview pretty quickly, he interviewed and got the position! Great. It was even a little salary bump. Straight direct-hire, no contract stuff. He goes in, works his first week. All is great, all smiles.
Well, that next Monday shows up and he isn’t there.
The company calls us asking where he is, so my co-worker calls him. He answers the phone and my co-worker asks ‘hey, is everything okay? You didn’t call or show today at XYZ company.’
And the guy proceeds to tell us ‘Yeah, I never actually quit my job. I just took a vacation for the week to see if I liked the place. It was okay but I’ll just stay here.’
My co-worker responds ‘Man, is there anything I can do? This puts us in a tight spot, this is a brand new customer of ours, can I do anything?’
The guy tells us ‘Quite frankly I don’t give a **** what kind of position it puts you in nor do I care if they are a new customer. I’m staying, don’t call me again.’ And hangs up the phone.
He got laid off the next week.”
Another User Comments:
“Ohmygod hahaha, did he try to get rehired at your place?” antichrist_kid
“That’s probably the best part. Yeah, he did call. He asked if that position was still open and if he could go back to it because he had just been laid off.
The answer was a firm no and to ‘not call us back.'” killagoose
49. I Got Her A New Phone And Was Gifted With A New Camera
“I was new to Bangalore and had taken a room in a PG (paying guest facility, used majorly by IT crowd). Most of the staff were Tamilians.
One of them was a plain village girl of 16–17 years who took up housekeeping duties. She could barely speak any other language but was learning fast – Kannada and Hindi. The owner used to call her Maggie as her original name was too long for anyone to pronounce.
Maggie’s only friend and comfort in this unknown city was her old Chinese mobile phone. She used to even record Tamil songs from TV on it and listen to them.
And one fine day the phone had some problem. She asked me for help; but as I was trying to see what went wrong, it fell on the ground and the screen got shattered! I felt guilty and promised her to check if I could get it repaired over the coming weekend. She tried to act normal and said ‘Don’t worry; it was anyways not working, I will pay for the repair work in case you can manage to get it fixed.’ But I could easily read the sadness behind those eyes.
For that week she somehow looked totally lost…..
Well, I had an event at my office that week and as I tried to check my camera a day before, it somehow didn’t switch on at all! Now out of all my worldly possessions, the one I am most possessive about is my camera! I have been doing photography ever since I was 10 and had a Nikon P series semi-professional this time with 38x optical zoom.
Probably I was as miserable as Maggie was. God only knew who was more miserable actually! I gave the camera to Nikon service centre with a dejected mood, it still had 2 months warranty left.
On the next Saturday, a friend and I took the broken mobile and went to a good service centre in Jaynagar. The guy looked at it and said that screen replacement would cost 1700/ with no guarantee whether it would work later or not, whereas a new higher model would cost me 2400/.
I had to decide what to do. I made my choice and came back to the PG.
Maggie was sitting all alone on a chair near the gate. I told her sorry that the mobile couldn’t be repaired even if we paid for it.
‘Parawayillai Akka’ she said. (It’s ok she said. Well I picked up bits of Tamil and Kannada from the housekeeping staff as well as locals.)
I then took out the packet from my bag and gave it to her, her smile was that of 1000 volts: it was a new mobile! She wanted to pay me for it in instalments from her small salary but I didn’t accept, I felt as if I owed this to her…Got some guilt off my heart, slept peacefully finally!
2 days later- on Monday, the Nikon guys called me saying that my camera had a part damaged, it was available only in China and would take another 1 month to reach India.
‘Then! What now!?’ I panicked.
‘Well, ma’am since it was under warranty and we are unable to repair it, we are giving you a replacement.’
‘Same one?’ I wasn’t happy as mine had cost me 24k when I bought it, now it was at 17k since new models had arrived like all other electronic goods.
‘No ma’am! We are giving you the new higher one with 60x optical zoom,’ replied the guy!
And in the same week, I had my new camera with me. A new better model!
Sometimes good also comes back to you, please don’t blame Karma for bad things happening with you. Try adding a bit of kindness into your life, who knows how much more the Goddess above bestows upon you from Her Kind Heart. Try giving than expecting, you won’t need to ask for anything, it will automatically be taken care of!”
48. Mess With The Waiter? The Beach Will Mess With You
“Watched an entitled angry man abuse and belittle his server to the point of tears. Then he hitched up his belt and looked pleased with himself as he swaggered off the restaurant deck, tripped on the stairs, and face planted in the sand on the beach. (This was a vacation in Fla.) My wife looked mortified as I laughed right out loud at the guy.
He got up, saw everyone staring, and at least one person openly laughing, and quickstepped off down the beach.”
47. Tailgater Gets Pulled Over
“We were driving home late from work one night, (both bartenders, maybe midnight). We live in a small community, and we were at the 1/4 mile section that goes from 55 to 45, to 35, to 25.
A giant lifted truck decided that he wanted to continue going 55, he was UP OUR A*S, brights on, so close you couldn’t even see his bumper. It was like his lights were in our car.
Pretty much 2 seconds after one of us said, ‘Where’s a cop when you need one?’, a deputy passed us going the opposite direction and immediately flipped a **t*h and pulled him over.
Still gives me the warm fuzzies. **** that guy.”
46. Jerk's Attempt To Tightrope Is A Complete Failure
“I was at an All Good festival once and there was one of those dudes who was just pure id.
You know, shouting insults, screaming, throwing *** at people, just an animal. He was slightly uphill from the main intersection, only maybe thirty feet from the crowd. I was standing around waiting for a friend.
The dude’s campsite was total *******, with some poorly planned tarp-city thing held up by a nylon rope that was strung over a pickup truck and secured by slamming a car door shut on it.
Suddenly, the guy throws his beer at the crowd, crawls up on top of the car, and starts tight-roping it between the car and the truck. I was very impressed that he made it at least two steps before the rope slipped a few inches in the car door, the ****** guy spread his legs, and he dropped three feet straight onto the suspended rope. I have never in my life seen a guy wrack his balls so hard.
In a fetal position, he spun around the rope in slow motion until he was upside down. Then the rope scraped across the roof of the truck, fell between the cab and the bed, partially collapsed the tarp city, and dropped the ****** a couple more feet onto his head in the mud.
The ****** got up, shut up, looked a little embarrassed, and limped away as his infuriated friends boiled out of their wrecked home.”
45. Rude Man Thinks He Can Drive In Snow And Is Sorely Mistaken
“A few years ago it was snowing here (UK).
We only get snow in my part of the country maybe once every couple of years.
I was driving home from work and everyone was obviously taking it slow and careful as not too many of us are used to driving in wintry conditions.
I have to stop for petrol, so I pull over in a garage, fill up and go inside to pay. When I get inside there’s this ****** dude-bro mouthing off at the staff for some reason or another.
Not sure what he was mad about but he was being a total *** to the poor guys behind the counter and their manager had to come out and calm him down.
After he’s finally calm, he goes to leave and the manager says something like ‘have a good evening, drive safe’, and for some reason, this amps the guy back up to 11. He starts going on like ‘no mate.
No need.’ Points to his car. ‘See that ***. Subaru. Rally edition. All-wheel drive. Can handle ****** anything. ANYTHING,’ and then storms out.
The manager just sort of sighs, shakes his head, and turns to serve me. I pay for my fuel go outside and get back in my car.
As I’m opening the door, putting my wallet in my pocket and such, I hear a loud rev and spinning tires.
Captain Subaru is roaring out of the petrol station. Goes to turn to leave. The wheels turn. The car doesn’t. And he slides straight into an enormous tree, which not only seriously damages his car, but deposits a few feet of snow from its branches and practically buries him.”
44. Pour Water On My Bus Seat? You'll Get Drenched On The Airplane
“We were returning to Bangalore from our ten days Rajasthan trip. On the last day, our bus was heading towards Jaipur airport. It was a package tour with about 40 tourists from Bangalore.
There was this couple who always fought with others over the bus seating, lunch seating, food, room quality, etc. Bus seating was on a first come first serve basis. On the last day, they sat behind us.
The whole morning we had a tiring last part Jaipur sightseeing. After lunch, as we traveled to the airport we were all dead tired, most of us sleeping after heavy lunch. Suddenly I felt my seat was wet. I checked and rechecked, yes, it was water from the back seat people’s water bottle. I told them to check too. But they gave a cynical smile and continued sleeping, while their bottle kept dripping.
I moved fwd on my seat and sat closer to my husband after removing the middle hand bar. My afternoon sleep went checking my position to keep off the wetness and the embarrassment.
Our flight was delayed by 2.5 hrs. (Indigo) as the flight returning to Jaipur from Delhi was itself late. Finally, we got in and planned to have a nap as our food was already served by the airport Indigo counter staff due to the delay.
As soon as we slept for some 15 minutes after takeoff there was some commotion over cold water dripping from the plane’s AC vent. Much as the staff tried blocking it with towels, tapes, and other fixes, but it kept pouring out in faster streams. It was some unexpected mechanical problem, but nothing serious.
The plane was full and passengers couldn’t be shifted to other seats.
Two passengers screamed at the crew and stewardess, they got drenched more as they sat right under the pour. Yes, they were the same who wet my bus seat some hrs ago. Yes, they got down as wet crows at Bangalore.”
43. Bartender Cuts Angry Customer Off And Is Instantly Proven He Was In The Right
“Drunk guy at the bar started yelling at the bartender for cutting him off. Called her a **t*h multiple times and then tried to scoot his bar stool back.
Instead, it caught on the carpet and he fell backward like a tree falling. It made a very audible thud and of course, everyone stopped what they’re doing to look. He laid there for a minute, got up, and stumbled to the door as everyone continued to stare at him. Definitely never saw him again.”
Another User Comments:
“Reminds me of a time I was at an Applebee’s.
Some drunk guy at the bar was yelling and angry at being cut off. So he threw his glass at one of the guys behind the counter and it hit a wooden beam, breaking, and a chunk of glass went into his own eye. Both an ambulance and the police showed up.” Cosmic_Quasar
42. They Challenged Me To A Race And I Won Without Competing
“My first car wasn’t the greatest vehicle, but I managed to scrape some money together to be able to afford it, and it was something I was proud of being able to have when I was young.
I was out driving running errands in an affluent part of the city when I came to a red light, and these two dudes around my age in some expensive car that was obviously paid for by their parents, with music blaring through their expensive subs, pull up beside me and are kind of snickering to themselves, taking a few glances at me every now and then.
Whatever, it’s fine. Eventually, the driver rolls down his window and asks ‘Hey, bro. Wanna put that **** thing to the test?’ And starts revving his engine. Now me being a little ***, I start revving my engine because I knew they weren’t expecting me to do that. The two bros go ‘Ohhhh’ and start getting fired up.
Green light comes, and we both slam on our accelerators, except I cap out at the speed limit.
The two jerks speed off in a big display and head around the bend.
Now the thing about this stretch of road, is that there are usually cops set up with speed traps. Lo and behold when I come around the bend, their car is pulled over to the side with a cop parked right behind them, lights flaring.
They did not seem amused by my smile and wave as I passed by them.”
Another User Comments:
“I have a ‘fast’ car that commonly gets people wanting to race me off the lights or down the motorway. Most of the time they blast off down the road while I cap out at the speed limit… If I bother giving them a race at all. I’ve had one dude floor it, barely beat me, and then wind his window down and wave as he drove ahead… While I was just doting along not trying to race him.
One dude nearly lost it and barely avoided crashing overtaking me down a narrow straight with a very dangerous blind corner at the end, who I wasn’t bothering to race that time either. (It was night and all I could see were his headlights in my mirror)
And then the one guy in an Evo who booted it down the motorway onramp ahead of me, swerving between traffic, and was lost to me, only for me to then drive past him sitting on the shoulder with a cop behind him 20 mins down the road lol.
I’ll be honest the boy racer looks causing people to try and race me was both unexpected and annoying. I just wanna drive man, stop pulling up beside me on the motorway and doing the old 3 honk countdown to race.” _Zekken
Another User Comments:
“In my early twenties: My best friend had a neon yellow Dodge neon that her ex had riced the *** out. She just needed a car, didn’t know/care anything about it.
One night we were driving (4 lane freeway) out to a party and another burner pulls along beside us and signals they want to race. Whatever, they floor it and disappear into the distance. I don’t know if this is racing etiquette everywhere, but here/ at that time/ a race was over when the winner was able to overtake the other car but a good margin and tap their breaks.
So cut to ten or so minutes later and we see the other burner is just starting to pull back on the freeway after getting pulled over. My friend moves to the outermost lane directly in front of them and taps her breaks. We won.” Veronicon
41. I Survived A Car Wreck After Doing A Good Deed
“Instant Karma isn’t always a bad thing…
About 16 years ago. In my tiny Dodge Neon. I was at a red light and I have no reason why but I gave a homeless person all of the change in my ashtray. The light turned green, and I made my left turn and a few seconds later I was hit head-on by a full-size truck.
When they were loading my car on the tow truck, the driver asked ‘How’s the driver,’ and I simply said ‘I’m fine.’ He was shocked at first, and then he realized I wasn’t kidding.
He said he’d been towing for 20 years and never seen anyone survive this extreme of an accident… let alone be standing there talking to him while loading up the car.
Pretty sure I lived due to the good juju.”
Another User Comments:
“This is the classic optimist/pessimist test. If you were a pessimist you’d be talking about how your good deed was punished for helping the guy out because well being hit by a semi is a bad thing.
Glad you’re OK but I think you got the shaft overall (unless you hated the car).” Teripid
40. Guy That Tries To Cut In Line Gets Double Karma
“Was on a road trip last week. The guy in the left lane was slowly passing a truck so there were about 5 of us stacked up patiently waiting for the logjam to clear. The jerk in a Mercedes breaks ranks into the right lane, speeds ahead, and tries to cut in to save himself 3 car lengths of trouble.
All cars band together to not let him in. He almost ran the car behind me off the road and nearly sideswiped him before taking his rightful place in the back.
Well, he was p*ssed after that and was tailgating and in general driving like an ******. He eventually sped off well over 100 mph. Saw him about 20 minutes later pulled over by a state trooper.
Laughed my a*s off as I passed his candy a*s.”
Another User Comments:
“Where I live has gotten really bad about people cutting off and doing this kind of ***. I leave ample following space but I’ve had people dart out right as I’m about to pass and then slam on their brakes because there’s a car in front of me. At this point, I report people if I can do it easily or remember the number for reckless drivers.
What’s worse is people cutting me off and then flipping me off.
The other day I had kind of a funny one, though. I was about to get on the highway and this guy started honking at me the second the light turned green. So I did the worst thing I could and went about the speed limit, maybe 5 under while merging onto the highway.
Dude was furious. When I got on the highway I went to normal speed but he flew past me and **** near punched his wife in the face trying to flip me off before cutting me off.” ThePandarantula
39. I Paid For His Uber And He Paid For My Bus Fare
“I have a happier good karma story that happened to me a few months ago on vacation in San Francisco. Late at night after a potluck and drinks, my friend drove me to a BART metro station near her house and gave me directions to take the train back to my hotel.
I walked in, paid my fare, and went underground only to find out I’d just missed the last train. Fortunately, my friend was awesome and gave me bus directions back, but there was another person who’d missed the same train, and he was in a far worse situation than mine. He was drunk, high, carrying massive bags of groceries and alcohol, and was trying to get back to Richmond, the way I came from and super far away.
He also had no way to call an Uber.
Feeling bad, I offered to call him an Uber and he could pay me back what he could. He only had $3, but so be it, I wasn’t going to turn him down. We chatted awhile until his ride came, he went off on his merry, inebriated way, and I went to catch my bus.
Except when I got on, I realized it was a MUNI bus, the other transit company, and so my BART fare wasn’t transferable – I’d have to pay again.
I realized I had no dollar bills left in my wallet. I spent it all on that useless fare. Panicking, I reached into my back pocket where I keep small change, well knowing I didn’t have enough for the $2.50 fare. And that’s when I felt the $3 that guy gave me. It was such a beautiful feeling. I think we were mutual guardian angels that night.
Also, I realized halfway through the bus ride that I was going the wrong way, but that ruins the story so I don’t usually tell that part. I did manage to get back on the other side, to be fair.”
38. Rude Customer Gets A Parking Ticket Instead Of A Movie Ticket
“I work at a movie theater. One afternoon I was selling tickets at the box office when an older lady came up and asked me a question about our app (it’s a Cinemark app).
I, however, wasn’t sure about the answer and told her that. She proceeded to say, very rudely, ‘isn’t it your job to know??? Are you stupid or something?’
Then, she turned around and noticed the mall cop was writing her a ticket for parking in a handicap spot when she did not have a handicap plate or placard. She took off running screaming ‘wait stop!
That’s my car!’
I couldn’t keep the huge grin off my face for the rest of the day.”
37. My Honesty Got Me Free Fruit For A Month
“I liked going to the local fruit stand near my old job before work. It’s a small family-owned and ran place. A little kid was working the register and accidentally gave me back more than I gave them. I give back the money and corrected the mistake, insisting it happens and to not worry about it, I’m not telling anybody.
The kid must have told her kinfolk about two weeks later and I didn’t pay for fruit for the next month until I got another job.
Karma works both ways!”
36. I Helped A Woman Carry Her Bags And Received Free Carnival Ride Tickets
“I took my three kids (5f, 5m, 7f) to a local carnival/feast. My wife had some girl brunch thing, didn’t come. We parked kinda far, so to get to the rides we had to walk through the concert field where people were staking their spots for the show later. Tarps, Etc.
A young mom and her young daughter walked past us quickly.
The mom was holding chairs, tarps, etc, and basically had her hands completely full. So, I caught up to her, asked her if she needed help, and I took a couple of the bags from her. We followed them to a spot they had, dropped their stuff, chatted for a minute, she thanked me and we walked off. Just as we left, my older daughter, 7, looked up at me and said ‘that was really nice dad.’ Very cute.
Right after she said that, a dad walking out of the feast handed/asked if I wanted some ride tickets they weren’t going to use. So I took them and thanked him. Instantly, my daughter (same one) said to me ‘dad! That was karma! The tickets were karma for helping that lady.’ She was so right! Such a great dad moment.”
Another User Comments:
“That’s a nice one. One time at an always-packed beach parking lot, I happened upon an open spot, just vacated by a young family whose car had passed us seconds before on their way out of the lot. Again, it’s packed, people getting stuff out of trunks, backseats, coolers everywhere, beach chairs, standard chaos – so I’m proceeding very slowly towards the spot. Jerk coming from the next aisle oversees the spot, hauls a*s to the end of the row, proceeds to turn right and then left into the spot that was on my right ~15 feet in front of me.
Classic Christmastime mall parking lot move. Oh well, I was annoyed, but not enough to get riled up over it. Gave him a wave (full hand, not single digit) to let him know I appreciated his actions, and went around the corner and back up the aisle he just flew down. As I’m waiting for another vehicle to back out of their spot maybe 30 yards further up (couldn’t believe our luck), the family who was in the original spot rolls by on their way out, driver dad reaches out and hands me their parking receipt with 4 hours left on it, said: ‘I saw that.
What a bonehead. Enjoy some free parking.’ We were quite surprised, super grateful, and the best part? We parked, got out, walked past the jerk in his purloined spot, and saw he had forgotten to put his car in park or engage the parking brake and the front end had rolled over the parking block and torn up the bottom edge of his Mustang’s front spoiler.
A couple of hours later I gave the same receipt to another family on their way in with about an hour and a half left on it. They were as happy as we were.” themtx
35. Aggressive Driver Gets Locked Out Of Car During Rainstorm
“At a big sports tournament after a game and it’s raining a bit – an aggressive driver can’t be bothered with people rushing to their cars and almost runs over a kid, yells at people in his way, and decides to weave around traffic to get out of the place quicker.
There is a sawhorse blocking the exit he wants to go out. The rain is getting heavier. Everyone is watching this impatient person as he gets out of his car to move the sawhorse and bypass the traffic line and pedestrian traffic due to self-entitlement. When he gets out to move the sawhorse/barrier he closes his car door and locks himself out of the car with the car running.
Downpour ensues. Instant Karma.”
34. Always Listen To The Lifeguard
“Was a lifeguard and a kid (9-10 years old) kept running around on the pool deck. He clearly heard me several times yelling at him to walk, and he ignored me. The next time he ran, he slipped and fell flat on his a*s and started crying. The only thing I said was ‘that’s why I told you to walk’ and his mom definitely gave me the evil eye.
I didn’t give a **** though, that’s what you get for not following the rules!”
Another User Comments:
“I worked in a cell phone store years ago, lines were long and some woman’s kid was running blast through the store, knocking over things and just being a general hellion.
I asked her to control her child several times, as he could easily get hurt doing what he was doing.
After about the third time she yells ‘**** you, don’t you tell me how to raise my chil…’ She never finished her sentence because the child ran head-first into a very heavy hanging sign and knocked himself out cold. The kid fell like a bag of potatoes, I mean like a sniper shot to the head kind of thing.
(The kid was alright, the mom threatened to sue us, I reminded her we had video and audio of me asking her to control her child three separate times as well as her swearing at me, never heard from her again.)” Dr_StrangeloveGA
Another User Comments:
“I work in a liquor store. We are constantly telling kids not to run, you know because their parents can’t be bothered. Anyway, about three weeks ago a family came in, two young kids running around. Please stop. Nothing. Please stop. Nothing. Then crash !! An entire display of wine hit the floor. Cost the parents 250.00 to not discipline their kids.” Booboosmom01
33. They Wrecked My Car And Then Drove Into A Tree
“When I was a broke college student the high schoolers down the street sideswiped my car so bad my front door wouldn’t open all the way and the mirror was gone.
Confronted them but couldn’t prove it. Couldn’t afford to fix it.
The next week they come screeching out of the neighborhood while I’m studying next to the second-floor window. They crash headlong into a tree and total their car. I have a comfortable view as all four of them got out and the driver was sobbing his sorry a*s shirtless on the pavement till his mom came and cussed him out loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.”
Another User Comments:
“You just reminded me of the time four college kids ran their car into my neighbor’s tree and just abandoned it there. Three ran off and one girl started walking up the street talking loudly on her phone about the wreck. Being as I worked both fire and sheriff at the time I called it in and kept an eye on her.
City cops catch up to her and she claims to know nothing meanwhile fire was putting out the fire her car’s engine had caused from where they forgot to turn the car off in their drunken stupor. As she’s standing there declining involvement and IDing herself with us, fire called out the registration they pulled from her glovebox. Imagine her surprise when dispatch gets confused because we just called to verify her ID right as fire called to verify the registered owner of her car.
Pretty easy arrest from there onwards.
I had completely forgotten about that story until you jogged my memory.” payperplain
32. I Offered Her Some Water And Was Gifted A Meal For The Long Road Ahead
“A few years back my buddy and I were traveling around Germany and decided to go to Amsterdam. The trip there was an absolute nightmare. Long story short, we’re on a bus around 11 pm because the trains broke down. We also haven’t had a chance to eat since early that morning.
Everyone on the bus is obviously miserable.
While we’re waiting to leave we hear some talking behind us, and it turns out it’s some old German woman’s birthday. Everyone is singing and wishing her happy birthday when she says something I don’t quite catch. So I ask the person behind me what she said, and they say that all she really wanted was some water.
I happen to carry a water bottle with me religiously. I hold it up, give it a shake, and say ‘Wasser?’ I **** you not, their whole group started cheering and slapping me on the back. Then out of nowhere, a hand pops up and drops two sandwiches in our laps. We were eternally grateful to finally have something to eat lol.”
31. A Stranger Got Back At The Guy Who Punched Me At The Concert
“I went go see Coheed and Cambria in concert, managed to get right in the very front of the pit since I got there so early.
As I’m waiting, the guy to my right taps me on the shoulder and says ‘YOU WOULD LIKE ******?’ in a real thick German accent. I tell him no thanks, and he does two back to back. He’s jacked by the way. Gigantic muscles threatening to tear through the Florence and the Machine tank top he was wearing. I was a little intimidated at first, but we got along great as the show went on.
Great dude.
Anyway, fast forward to halfway through the show. They just finished playing Delirium Trigger and everyone’s stopped moshing and freaking out while we’re waiting for the next song. But in starts Pearl of the Stars which is one of the slowest songs anyone has ever played, let alone for a band that has like 100 moshable songs. But I’m into it, the guy and I are swaying and singing.
But there’s one dude behind us who is still ****** moshing. Pushing me up against the railing and flailing around. And moshing is cool and all but if you’re the only one doing it, you aren’t moshing, you’re just being an ******. So I turn around entirely and put my hands on this dude to get him to stop so I can ask him to chill, and he punches me in the face twice, back to back.
Two pieced me out of nowhere like a ****** Popeye’s in the desert. I’m real bad at taking punches so I just stumble against the fence and rub my face like ‘*** why.’ My buddy looks to his left and sees me recovering and he screams ‘WHAT HAS HAPPENED MY FRIEND?!’ So I lean in and tell him that the mosh dude gave me a 1-2.
He immediately reaches into his fanny pack and gives me all of his ******, and it’s way too much by the way like enough for six people and he’s alone, but before I can tell him no thanks again, he turns around and lifts the moshing guy above his head in one clean motion, like he was born for this. He then throws him further back into the crowd, where he vanishes.
It was like throwing a horseshoe into a field of wheat. I’m dumbfounded and terrified.
He turns back to me and says ‘I AM TO BE EJECTED. HOLD THE POWDER, YES?’
I’m so confused and scared that I don’t even say anything about how I didn’t understand what the **** he was talking about. I just nodded, I think I even said ‘Yes sir.’
Less than a minute later, venue security shows up and starts dragging him out and I understood what he meant. He knew he was going to be thrown out after he flung that dude into the darkness. He did it, knowing that he would miss the rest of the show.
He broke free of the security just long enough to shake my hand before finally being dragged away.
As I watched them leave, Claudio sang ‘I’d give you everything, if only I’d have known you’d take it.’
The song ended and I realized that I was still holding a big ole bag of *****. The Suffering started in but instead of screaming and cheering for my favorite song, I wondered how I was meant to give this back to a random German hero.”
30. He Pushed Him Off The Dock And Then Got Stopped By Undercover Cops
“I was waiting to put in at a boat ramp in Florida one day. It was a single ramp, the guy trying to take his boat out of the water was having a tough time backing his trailer down. His wife (I assume) and two kids were waiting on the dock.
Some **s***e waiting to get out of the water starts screaming at him and heckling him.
The first guy finally gets his trailer down the ramp, meanwhile, raging **s***e had docked his boat and started up the dock towards the poor boating newbie family guy screaming and yelling. Raging **s***e punches family guy and knocks him off the dock into the water.
Two burly dudes that nobody was really paying attention to walk up, literally grab raging **s***e as family guy was falling in the water, throw him on the dock and handcuff him, then flash their FL DNR badges.
They were undercover watching the boat ramp.
There was applause and cheering from the folks waiting to put in and take out.
Family guy just wants to get out there and go home, so he declines to press charges. The DNR guys apparently thought ‘aw h****s no’ and proceed to tear the jerk’s boat and car apart and end up charging him with a BUI and every single nitpicky thing they could find wrong his boat.
It was a good day.”
29. Boss Tries To Deny He Gave Me Alcohol But Gets Fired Instead
“My boss, who is the head chef at the restaurant I work at, gave me a six-pack of beer for prom night as a gift for working extra hard for him.
I didn’t really drink and tried to refuse but he insisted. I put it in my car and figured I’d give it to a friend who drinks. Halfway into my shift the owner of the restaurant comes in and fires me because he saw the beer, obviously stolen because I was underage, in my backseat. I look at my boss and he just acts like he’s mad too?
The owner walks me out to my car and is asking why I would do that, I was a good worker for a year and a half or so. So I just told him, yeah the head chef gave it to me and I have no idea why he didn’t just tell you. The owner walks back in and fired the head chef. This guy was a big jerk so he went ballistic and the owners saw a side of him that the kitchen staff saw when it got really busy.
The owner’s actions really affected me. I think that’s the first time someone ever really took a stand for me. Especially over someone who was obviously making him more money. I will always remember that day. Then I went to prom and was just on high all night.”
28. She Bumped Up The Polite Passengers To First Class
“We were boarding a transatlantic flight, coming home from the US to the UK. There were 9 seats across the jet arranged as 3 sets of 3.
My siblings and I are sitting in the first 3, then my parents have 2 of the middle set. Another family of 5 takes up the last 4 seats in that row and 1 in the row behind.
The other dad was very loudly and rudely complaining to the Stewardess that he wanted the seat my dad was in for his son (sitting in the row behind). It was clear to everyone that he had prioritized getting the front row/extended legroom over having his family sit together when he checked in and was now trying to intimidate the stewardess into giving him both.
My dad tried to interrupt with the intention of offering to switch seats cause he had already decided he didn’t want to be sitting next to this d*ckhead for 8 hours. The guy obviously expected him to say something else so told my dad to ‘**** off and mind your own business,’ before he had a chance to speak. The stewardess asked everyone to stay calm and said she will be back in a minute.
When she returned she escorted my mom and dad into empty seats in first class, then came back and said to the angry guy ‘problem solved, your son can now move.’
The stewardess had the biggest **** eating grin on her face and the guy was so confused – he got what he wanted but still felt like he had been screwed over somehow, he just didn’t understand how.
Mom spent the whole flight in first class, Dad let me and my 2 siblings go upfront for 2 hours each and then used the last 2 hours himself. Top parenting!”
27. If You Use My Trash, You're Gonna Get Covered In It
“I had an ongoing issue with people illegally dumping in my dumpster behind my business… for those unaware, it’s far more expensive to have a dumpster at a commercial property than you might think. Mine’s shared with two other neighboring businesses and emptied 3 times a week, we pay $400 a month for the service, so when it’s suddenly full of garbage that’s clearly not for us it’s infuriating.
I could never manage to catch people who did it so decided I’d install a camera.
I was on the roof of my building running the wiring when what do ya know, some ******* dumping carpet and yard waste in my dumpster, I opted to not confront him and just called my local police non-emergency line and gave them a plate # and description. The officer came by to verify the information with me and as we’re standing inside my shop talking I noticed the same ****** guy just backed back up to my dumpster!
He must’ve missed the police car in front of my building (or just didn’t care). Officer made him empty ALL the cr*p he dumped back into his truck, dude had to climb in the dumpster and got absolutely covered in yard waste. As soon as it was all piled back in his truck (including the cab, since this was his second trip) the officer handed him a $500 illegal dumping ticket.
The look on the guy’s face was priceless. That same officer has since caught 4 other illegal dumpers thanks to my camera, I even posted a sign stating that it’s being video recorded and still people dump… now all I do is email the clip into my new cop buddy and he tracks them down.”
26. She Picked The Goat I Wanted But I Ended Up With The Better Choice
“My significant other and I have a farm animal showing class in college, and we show goats.
Last semester I wasn’t in it, but she was, along with her 2 good friends, Joey and Jocelyn. I helped when I could, but wasn’t in college at the time.
This semester, there were more people. One of them was this snobby white girl named Hailey. Hailey and Jocelyn are the karma victims in this story, but also a poor goat I wanted.
The goat I wanted was a solid red doeling (brown young goat for all you non-goat people).
I called her out and mentioned to everyone that I wanted her. Most of the other students didn’t really mind, but Jocelyn made it known she didn’t care. Went something like this:
Me: I want the red doeling! I call her!
J: No you don’t.
I thought she was kidding or something because she’s good friends with my significant other, so I just blew it off as some kind of joke.
Later I said it out loud again and Hailey responded a little like this:
Me: I called the red one already.
H: And what would happen if someone else picked her?
Me: I’d hate them for the rest of the semester for being rude.
H: You can have her, I don’t even like her.
Me: Okay thank you.
For the rest of the class, we had to help set up cattle, at the end of it was when the professor shuffled our names and let us pick in the shuffled order.
Sadly, Hailey went before I did, and with the help of Jocelyn’s number memory, since we picked off the goat tag’s number. When Hailey heard her name, she quickly looked over to Jocelyn and she responded the red goat’s tag number. I didn’t know it at the time, but my significant other was with the goats and told me that the red one was taken when I asked for the red one’s number.
The professor asked Hailey if she was sure she wanted her, and she reassured her she did. Hailey then went into the pen and acted surprised to see she chose the red one. I was livid and picked a different one, she’s cute.
Friday comes along, after a whole day of grumpiness over my head because someone didn’t respect my wishes. My significant other and I were working with them since the whole point of the class is to show them off in a competition, we’re supposed to train them basically.
A different student named Danny, basically he’s an expert in goat showmanship came to see how we were doing. During our talk, we mentioned how rude Hailey was, he said he didn’t like her. Then told us that the one I picked looked really promising, and the one Jocelyn picked wasn’t so good. He also mentioned that sadly, the red goat has polio, and might not be able to be shown.
So, by not respecting my wishes, Hailey got karma by getting a sick goat. (Dodged a bullet there) but I’m sad the goat was collateral damage.”
25. I Stopped Him From Swimming In Bad Conditions And Then Found My Lost Keys
“A couple of years ago I lost my car keys to the sand while having a fire down the beach with some friends. No biggie, I have a spare key at home. Fast forward 6 months and I buy a new car and my old Subaru sits in the driveway, irritating my partner to no end.
I finally get around to selling it and some friends of friends take it for a drive before handing the key back. The key – my only key – sits on the counter for a few days then promptly goes to the same place all my odd socks go to.
Anyways, another six months go by and my Subaru is still in the driveway, and it is infuriating my GF, but the cost of a new key is not worth it and I am negotiating to have it towed.
Then, karma day.
It was a really big surf day, one of the biggest of the year, and a buddy and I were doing the drive around to see if any of the beaches were handling it. 1st beach is big and out of control and I watch a lady with 2 kids set up a picnic blanket right at the base of a massive rip.
The kids are about to go swimming so I run down and warn them just as they get waist-deep. Cool, crisis averted.
Buddy and I check a couple more beaches and end up at the one I lost my keys at. I look up the beach and lo and behold, there’s an old fat guy in budgie smugglers about to get into the water for a swim at the base of a massive rip.
I run down the beach and say, ‘hey you’re about to swim out in a massive rip on a 10ft+ day.’ To which he replies, ‘mate, I’m a local.’ I shake my head and say something about how he should know better.’ He grumbles, but makes a smart decision and leaves the water.
Soooo, karma time.
I jog back up the beach and as I do a guy with a metal detector comes strolling out of one of the access points and we say hi-hi to each other.
I then, tongue in cheek, say, ‘hey if you find a set of keys, they’re probably mine,’ to which he responds:
This guy comes to this beach a few times a year to visit his son and happened to find my keys! They were hanging up on his son’s rafter and had been there for over a year!!!
Went for a cruise to his house, got the key, gave it a clean-up with a wire brush and some wd-40, charged my battery, and Boom started no probs.
Sold the sube a few weeks later.
And it never would have happened if I hadn’t run down the beach to stop the guy from swimming out in treacherous conditions.”
24. She Accused Me Of Discriminating Against My Own Community
“Worked at a major state university as a contract HR Director. The head of student housing was this battle-ax, loud, narcissistic, angry woman who bulldozed everyone and everything around her. She yelled at everyone and made demands that were unreasonable and unprofessional. One being she would bring in these huge pit bulls, that she was ‘fostering’, to work saying they were her service dogs.
(Which scared the **** out of everyone.) She would fire anyone she didn’t like. Treated subordinates like her servants. Since it is nearly impossible to fire Directors and managers who work for the state, she got away with it. This went on for 20 years. I didn’t know this. Was brought in to investigate all the complaints against her and her department. Turns out if a person wasn’t gay she would fire them.
(She was a straight woman) Basically, she wanted to be surrounded by gay men who worshiped her as a diva and did her bidding. I figured out the pattern of her firing of straight people over 20 years. In the end, I had to interview her and share my findings. She tried everything she could to lie her way out of it but it was documented and clear.
(Hundreds of emails and over 30 employee interviews past and present.)
She went to the Dean and held a meeting (I was invited to) ranting about how ‘OF COURSE’ this ‘typical empowered straight white man’ would be against her hiring of gay men and discriminate against them! She went on about how no one knew who I was and she had seen these kinds of heterosexual men in power before.
I let her rant for a while until she finally stopped.
To that, I quietly stood up…walked to the Dean…and showed him on my phone pictures of my (gay) wedding to my husband. He started smiling and asked to share with this battle-ax. I walk over and share it with her. Her mouth hits the ground. Her tune changes quickly. The Dean tells her she can either retire immediately.
Or he will fire her on the spot. She retires.
Look on her face = Priceless.
Narcissists are the worst monsters to work with.”
23. Polite Man Finally Stands Up To His Rude Wife
“The night before back in the day, I mean like 1998 feel me? I used to work tech support for a big (at the time) computer company. If you do or have worked tech support or similar, customer service, or whatever job ‘on the phones’ for a company you know what a thankless, soul-crushing, eardrum shredding grind it can be.
Nice customers who are pleasant and a joy to work with are precious oases in a desert hellscape of crusty ***.
So I’m working my night shift. 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM. It’s about 10:00 PM and I’ve already had lunch and the queue (how many calls are waiting for the uninitiated) isn’t too deep. This is the time of night we can relax a bit and take time on calls; our sense of urgency isn’t quite as tight as it would be at 6:00 PM.
I get a call from a very nice man who is just cool as a cucumber and polite as you please. Calling me sir and saying please and thank you like I’m deciding whether or not to give him a car loan, rather than bear the brunt of why his brand new, three grand, computer system is ****** up.
Ol’ boy had bought a whole package from us: Desktop, Monitor, Printer, Speakers, the whole shebangabang.
Back then this *** was expensive by today’s standards. Like I said, about $3,000. Just to put that in perspective, $3,000 in 1998 is like $4,500 today. And that’s for an entry-level, basic computer system package.
He explained to me that he’d done a long day at work, his new computer had arrived, and he’d been getting it all set up all evening, but was having issues getting the printer to work.
Ask any IT professional about printers. Go ahead, ask ’em. I guarantee you they will without exception tell you ‘Man, *** printers.’ Because printers sucked. Oh, they still suck now, but they sucked back in the day, too.
This guy is really cool though and I feel for him and he’s just as nice as pie to boot, so I want to actually help him.
From the instant he had come on the phone, in contrast to his calm demeanor and impeccable manners, I can hear a woman in the background:
‘You dumb a*s! You dumb motha***a! I told you you’re ***** up! One thing we need and it doesn’t work! I told you it wasn’t gonna work when ya bought the **** thing! Because you’re a ****! I knew–!’
Just a constant stream of p*ss and vinegar from this woman in the background. Holy ***.
Well if he can ignore it, I can too. We start to troubleshoot. This includes a couple of reboots, which take like four minutes each, during which we just shoot the *** and ignore:
‘Lord help me I should’ve married Leonard! My Mama told me I should’ve! I told you not to buy a **** Gateway!
My Mama told you! Ya punk! Ya punk a*s! Ya punk a*s ****! Should’ve bought a Dell! Should’ve bought a Compaq! Should’ve bought a Hewla Packer! Nah but nooo you had to go an–!’
All while he’s telling me what he does for a living (he’s a plumber, so he’s up to his elbows in *** all day and then comes home to this?
*** me) and how his kids are mostly grown except his daughter who is trying to get into college and needs a computer for applications and papers n’ such. ****. Now I really want to help this guy as much as possible.
So we’re at a point where I think we can actually get it fixed. Reinstall the drivers, connect them at the right time, and we should be golden.
It’s been like thirty minutes at this point, and she’s not only kept up the stream of hate and filth, she’s not even getting hoarse. It’s actually kind of impressive:
‘Why I let you buy that piece of *** I’ll never know! Leave it to you, ya dumb a*s gonna *** it all up! Now look at you! And what we gon’ do now? I dunno why you still on the **** phone it ain’t gonna work!
Because you’re stupid! Your daddy stupid! You a stupid **** just like your daddy and I knew it when–!’
I explain to my dude on the phone that I think we’re almost done and we should hopefully have him fixed up soon, everything’s going to work like it’s supposed to and it’s all gonna be fine. It’s at this point I hear him take a deep breath as if thinking Lord give me patience, and then sigh out his nostrils.
Yep. Definitely asking for patience.
‘And you’ve got a little ***! Lord, I should’ve gone with Leonard at least he-‘
I ask him if he’s ready to proceed and he says,
‘Uh, sir, will you please excuse me for,’ he clears his throat, ‘for just one moment?’
‘Uh, sure,’ I say. ‘Take your time!’ I smile because you can hear that *** over the phone and I feel for this poor guy.
I hear the woman continuing her ******* avalanche — ‘My Mama told me you’re a ****, ya Mama said you’re a ****, why I never listen I’ll never know! And I told Lisa last week I said-‘ quieted slightly by the familiar muffle of a palm covering the mouthpiece of the phone, and then
I assume it got real quiet after that but I’ll never know because I literally fell out of my chair laughing. It was all I could do to hit MUTE on the way down as my headset was yanked off my head and rolled on the floor, dying with laughter. Yes, in true 90s fashion, I literally ROFLed.
I don’t know how long I was down there but when I finally managed to drag myself up to my knees, fishing my headset back, tears streaming down my face, still sobbing with the odd chuckle, I pressed MUTE again and said,
‘Hello? Sir?’
Nothing. Nothing but the low hum of a connected line. SOP with the queue at this depth is to wait a full three minutes, checking for a response every 30 seconds. About a minute into this, between my checks, I hear the phone scrabble up and the man’s voice say,
‘Hello? Sir? Are you still there?’
‘Yes, I am!’ I say, with a huge, ***-eating grin on my face.
‘Oh, thank goodness, ah, where were we?’
We continued and completed the call in blessed, peaceful quiet.”
22. Turns Out You Can't Force Good Karma
“I work at a casino. A guest found an abandoned voucher for about $300 sitting on one of the cash-out machines (when you cash out on a slot machine, you get a voucher that you can either play in the next game, cash out in a machine, or take to the cashiers) and brought it to the cashier cage to see if we could locate the guest who lost it.
Talked herself up a lot for being a good Samaritan and not just walking off with the money. We checked with surveillance and they were working on tracking the owner of the voucher. It was becoming pretty obvious that the guest was hoping that we couldn’t find the original owner and allow her to keep the money.
Now, abandoned money is abandoned money, and if she would have taken it, it would have been fair game.
But we have a lot of policies in our casino, and the more departments that are involved, the more we have to stick with the policies. At this point, the cashier cage was involved as well as the floor manager and surveillance. Finally, surveillance reports that the guest who dropped the ticket had already left the building and gone home and that we were to keep the cashout voucher and decline it, essentially turning the funds back into the casino. Standard operating procedure.
At this point, the lady starts getting mouthy. ‘I didn’t have to do the right thing and bring it to you, and now I’m getting nothing out of this! And you told me I could have the ticket!’ (We did not.) So she gets on the phone and starts telling whoever is on the other end that she’s downstairs at the window and to come down and handle it.
Who did she call? Her cousin, who apparently is our Head of Compliance. The department directly in charge of making sure we all follow every rule to the letter.
He comes up to the window along with another Compliance officer. We explain the situation. So does she. The Head officer turns to his cousin and says, ‘OK, since this is a conflict of interest, I’m turning this over to my junior officer.’
Junior officer, by the way, is the most uptight, by-the-book officer in that department. He’s the Judge Judy of compliance.
‘Well, ma’am, that is an abandoned cashout voucher and we were able to determine that the guest in possession of the voucher has left the premises. Unfortunately, the voucher also doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to the casino, and for you to take it would be theft.’
The look of shock on her face was beautiful. I had to walk away at this point because I was in danger of laughing, but the cashier told me later that she started yelling at her cousin that we had promised her she could keep the money and they basically had to escort her out.”
21. Ruin My Prom? Karma Will Ruin Your Car
“There was this entitled **** at my school who would always act like she was above everyone.
If she was in a sport, she was the captain, and the MVP every year, when she was in the ASB, only her ideas were the right ones (I quit leadership because of that), and I always felt so alone at that school because everyone always agreed with her, and would cast aside those who didn’t love her.
You can take a guess that I was not very popular there.
Fast forward, it’s the end of my senior year. We are rolling in dough and don’t want to set up prom. Our senior class insisted that the cheerleaders set it up for us. As co-captain of the cheer team, I acted as their ambassador. The cheer team agrees and we work our butts off to make it perfect.
I was part of a very small school, so it was decided that we allow all high school students into the prom, to turn it into a real party, also so the whole cheer team could go.
It’s the night of the prom. We sold single and couple’s tickets. Only one single ticket was sold but I’m sure no one was interested in going with me anyway. Guess who shows up? Well everyone’s favorite girl of course! She wouldn’t miss a chance to *** on my work in front of a large crowd of boot likers!
She showed up fashionably late, so there were already people out there dancing, including yours truly.
She took one look at the scene, then took a seat. After the song ended, most everyone else did the same, cause isn’t that the cool thing to do?
So it trickles down until it’s just me and a couple of chaperones living it up on the floor, while everyone else is on their phones. Only getting up for a slow dance or two (which is when I decided to dance with my seat, who honestly had two left feet, Chairy was a total clutz).
It’s been a good half hour of me being the only one on the dance floor, I tried to pull people in, but to no avail. One of the chaperones then takes initiative and goes and talks to her in an attempt to get more people on the dance floor. ‘Why should I have to dance?’ Said the ****. ‘Because the prom is a dance?’ Said the chaperone.
To which the **** just started going off on her! ‘I paid for the ticket, this is how I want to spend my time, your music sucks, this prom sucks, etc.’ She then storms off, and her partner follows, then the Toadies at her table follow, then the other table follows, until it’s just me, the chaperones, and only 2 of the other cheerleaders (other ones stormed out too).
If you look at me, you would think ‘Jesus! How many steroids is he taking? (none btw), That dude is ****** massive!’ My nickname in cheer was The Wall, and have you ever seen a man who eats a bowl of nails for breakfast, cry? No one else had until that night. One of the cheerleaders that stayed kept asking me what’s wrong while I was cleaning up the mess, and taking down decorations, to which I would reply ‘I’m fine, don’t worry about me!’ I knew I wasn’t fooling anyone, which is why she kept asking.
Anywho, that was on a Friday, so once school started up on Monday, I noticed something. ****’s boy toy was P*SSED. After a little investigation, I found out the reason. On the night, of the prom, that he helped ruin…
He hit a deer and totaled his fancy car.
I had the biggest smile on my face until I graduated.”
20. Rude Passenger Gets Pooped On By Toddler
“I live in central FL, lots of tourists.
On one of my flights out, to NYC, a British family was boarding the plane. They were a row in front of me, on the other side of the aisle.
Total pr*cks. The parents were loud, two wild kids, and the parents were being **** to their kids and just plain rude in general.
The guy pulled a d*ck move, 4 people = 4 carry-on wheel bags.
he opened the full overhead compartment above his row, pulled out other bags from people who boarded first (they were literally the last people on the plane, packed flight). They just tossed other people’s bags in the aisle, loaded their stuff instead. The FAs tried to intervene, the guy was just defiant ‘I paid for this section, I get my storage.’ Anyway, after an hour of shouting and arguing, they settled down and sat down.
They had a 2-year-old, so he was on the dad’s lap.
The kid took a *** on the dad. Like full on, ***, watery, nasty, came out of his ****** diapers, it was gross AF, but **** if it didn’t make the other people on the flight happy seeing this ****** covered in ***. Like nasty green ***.”
19. They Appreciated My Honesty And Honoured Their Mistake
“My wife and I were getting some subs at subway one day and as I’m checking out I saw that my bill was about half what it should be. I didn’t really think anything of it except that maybe there was some special going on.
When we got out to our car my wife looked at the receipt and noticed that we were only charged for one sub instead of two. So I went back in and told the people the situation and they decided to only charge me half price for the sub and gave me a couple of free cookies. Sometimes it works out to be honest about mixups like that.”
Another User Comments:
“Bought some shirts at JC Penney a couple of years ago, realized they hadn’t rung one up, went back in to pay for it and the cashier managed to find enough coupons to give me 75% off of it because she couldn’t believe I’d come back in. Win/win: their inventory is right, I get the shirt for a fraction of the cost with no guilt over not paying for it.” OMGEntitlement
18. Rich Kid Thinks He's All That Until The Cops Get To Him
“This rich kid pulled up next to me at a red, at least I assume he was rich because he was driving one of the most recent Porsche models. He screams at me that he’s going to run the red because ‘the rules only apply to poor ************ like you!’
I think his ego was blocking his rear-view mirror because I saw what he didn’t, there was a cop chillin behind us with an eyebrow raised at the guy.
So I do my best to pretend I didn’t see the cop and I said to the little brat, ‘You can’t run that red! You’re too much of a ****!’
Kid runs the red, I see the cop peel out from behind me into the lane the kid was in and pull him over. I look over at the cop as he passes me and for a brief moment I see the cop laughing his **** head off.”
Another User Comments:
“I forgot about this one…
It was the 90s and at night in Brooklyn. Since it was very late at night the streets were pretty empty, but I know it would be my luck if I went past a red light, even if the streets seemed deserted, and a cop would show up and give me a ticket. I was in a sh*tty 80’s chevy cavalier so not a fast car or one that screams I am here to race.
All of a sudden I hit a light and another car rolled up next to me and started revving up like we were going to race. I had no intention of racing so I didn’t give a cr*p what this car was going to do. It was a very expensive car (not sure what kind of car as I was not into cars as I am now) and even if I wanted to race, it was not a race I would win anyway.
So the light turns, and he burns rubber and just tears down the road. All of a sudden I see him from a distance swerve and go right into a light pole. I just continue on and pass him just laughing at the sight of him getting out of his car in disbelief and anger. Such a great night, I made sure to stop by 7/11 for some chips and soda after that.” jaytrade21
17. Reckless Driver Skids Off The Snow-Covered Road
“This happened one snowy winter day (early afternoon) about 20 years ago. I was driving a 2WD pickup truck down a snowy road at a speed where I felt safe (roughly 30 mph, posted speed limit was 50 IIRC) when some guy in a Jeep Wrangler starts trying to crawl up my exhaust. He’s flashing his high beams and honking his horn and I can see his arms waving wildly in my rearview mirror.
It should be noted that there were 5 or 6 inches of snow on the ground at this point and the plows haven’t run recently, so going fast isn’t really an option. It should also be noted that there is a whole other lane directly to my left that he could use to pass me if he so chose. Anyway, given that instead of just going around me like a normal human being, I decide to do what I usually do to **s***e drivers.
I slow down a little bit, put my window down, stick my arm out the window, and wave it in a circle, the universal (or at least American) gesture of ‘Go around,’ and then I put my window back up.
He finally gets the message and pulls into the left lane and proceeds to fly past me as if I’m parked. He goes around a corner and I lose sight of him.
By the time I get to that corner that he just went around, I see his Jeep sitting on its side in the ditch on the far side of the road, with tire marks in the snow showing everyone what had just transpired.
I call the local police non-emergency number and report a disabled vehicle (at whatever road this was, I can’t remember at the moment) but say I couldn’t stop to help since there was no guarantee that I’d be able to get my truck moving again.
They say that they will send a car around when they are able and that’s the end of it.”
16. Terrible Supervisor Finally Gets Fired
“I had a supervisor who hated my guts. But let’s take this story back to the beginning. I had a part-time job at a deli working closing shifts. Before my supervisor was promoted, we didn’t get along at all.
He was a condescending, obsessive, nitpicker, who was constantly looking to point out ANYTHING I did wrong. No matter how insignificant or meaningless. At first, I would ignore it. That was a really stupid mistake on my part because over time it got progressively worse. It got so bad that I had to take pictures of everything that I did just to show him so he couldn’t nitpick at it or blame me for anything.
Eventually, I got sick of it and couldn’t ignore it anymore. So whenever he would nitpick or say something extremely condescending to me, I would put him in his place by passive-aggressively demonstrating to him how little he knew about his job. It was funny seeing him instantly transition from a condescending know-it-all, to awkwardly explaining himself, or pretending like he knew something he clearly didn’t.
He hated it. We played this game for 2 months and let the tension build to almost hostile.
He was eventually promoted to supervisor. I had 2 jobs at the time and no interest in the supervisor position for a variety of reasons. Let me explain for a second and provide context. This job I worked at wasn’t the best of jobs, it had a very high turnover rate.
The supervisor position was extremely unstable (we went through 4 different supervisors in 6 months). The previous supervisor before him quit the same day she interviewed me. No one else wanted the position because it was extremely stressful, it didn’t pay well, and you very likely would be fired in the not-so-distant future if you didn’t quit first out of sheer frustration. The position had the job security of a head coaching gig.
So anyway, upon accepting the position my supervisor immediately goes to work and is actively trying to get me fired. Trying to write me up for made-up reasons, openly stating his desire to fire me to other coworkers, ramping up the nitpicking, and even cutting my hours. All the while I was quietly building up a harassment case to take to HR. The situation hit its boiling point when he inexplicably disappeared for 2 hours from our department and nobody knew where he was.
The very next week he then tries to write me up for leaving the department to get a cup of water. Needless to say, I was irate and took out all my frustrations on him that day. We went to the General manager’s office and I demanded an explanation from my GM as to why he wasn’t written up for disappearing for 2 whole hours, but I need to get reprimanded for getting a cup of water.
GM doesn’t have an explanation and sends me home to ‘cool things over.’ I was p*ssed.
I had several days off (because my supervisor already cut my hours), so my next day at that job, I’m mentally preparing myself for a hostile work environment. When I arrive everyone is smiling at me, telling me they got good news for me. My favorite supervisor got fired during my little mini vacation.
Apparently, he had a really bad drug problem. This increasingly bad drug problem led to him making poor decisions. The day after I left, he was caught attempting to forge my signature for a couple of write-ups I refused to sign, he then pulled a no-call no-show the following day, and then the day after that he showed up 3 hours late high out of his mind.
This was all in the span of 3 days. He was fired on the spot after the third day. I never got anything closely resembling an apology but what I did get was my hours fully restored and a clean slate on my record.”
15. I Almost Got Scammed But Ended Up Duping The Scammer Instead
“The following incident happened a year ago. I was watching TV when a phone call came. Here is the following conversation:
Man: Is this Payal Srivastava speaking?
Me: Yes?
Man: Mam your account in SBI is deactivated as you have not submitted your aadhar card copy to link it with your account.
I was in shock as even though I hardly performed transactions using that account, I have already submitted my aadhar card copy and it was successfully linked with my account.
Me: What rubbish!! I have already submitted my aadhar card copy and received a message confirming it!
Man: Mam not only the aadhar card, but your debit card as well was supposed to be submitted.
Me: Well, I did not recieve any any news regarding this.
Man: So mam we are telling you now.
I was so tensed at that time because my account has been deactivated without prior informing me.
Me: Okay, I’ll submit it within two days.
Man: No need to come, we can do it online.
Me: Okay.
Man: Please tell me your 16 digit number on the card.
Man: Okay, the digits shown at the backside, please tell it.
I was feeling a bit suspicious as it was the CVV number which generally banks don’t ask. But as I was more tensed so I gave him the number.
Man: Please tell the month and year written on the card.
And after few minutes, you will get a message showing some code. Please tell it to me so that your account is activated again.
Me: Okay.
After few seconds, I received a message stating the code and told him. Then he asked for the second code. But as soon as I scrolled down the message, I realized that it was an online transaction for Ola Money of 10000 Rupees.
I immediately cut the call shocked that I was duped of around 10000.
As soon as I realized that I have given the information of my debit card, I called the SBI customer services and got my card canceled. My maasi called back to that fraud with the intention to give him a piece of mind, only to receive a response that ‘The number you have called is currently switched off.’ We have assumed that the person might have either thrown the sim or broken it to remove any evidence.
But, here comes the twist.
Within 10 minutes of this incident, I received a message on my phone that:
‘Sorry, your transaction has been unsuccessful due to insufficient amount in your account.’
I couldn’t believe my luck. And for that fraud with the intention to dupe a person, he got duped instead.”
14. A Seagull Stole The Rude Customer's Hot Dog
“Was buying some drinks at a circle K one day while visiting someone in Florida and these old tourists cut us in line, all the while complaining and b*tching loudly about everything, how expensive everything is, how crowded the beach is, it’s too hot, etc. They were also really rude to the cashier and took forever arguing about the price of the hot dogs they were buying or something.
They left and as we walked out we witnessed a seagull come and snatch the guy’s hot dog right out of his hand. His wife shrieked and proceeded to drop hers out of surprise.
I know it isn’t that big of a deal but it was so **c***g hilarious to watch and I still remember it 5 years later.”
Another User Comments:
“We were in Florida when I was a kid and while walking into a restaurant a seagull pooped on my mom.
My dad started pointing and laughing hysterically at my mom, and right then another seagull pooped on him. Florida is the land of karma (and **** birds.)” Spazmer
Another User Comments:
“I worked at a beach resort many years ago and there were signs posted in each room: DO NOT FEED THE SEAGULLS!
After calling room 301 three times to tell them that their neighbors were complaining about all the noise from the gulls they were feeding, I went down to the beach to confront them from below.
Just as I stepped in view of the kids doing it I see a huge white spray of seagull **** paint all three of them in the face. They went screaming inside and nothing further needed to be said at that point.” BaconReceptacle
13. A Trail Of Lost Wallets Leads To Good And Bad Karma
“I watched someone bend down to pick up a wallet someone ahead of them had just dropped. All of this was going down in the crosswalk and I was in the passenger seat with my dad driving. GuyA who picked up the wallet began to run it to GuyB who was already across the street and while doing so, his wallet fell out of his pocket and on the sidewalk/crosswalk area.
Some sh*tty dude in the bike lane rode up a little ways ahead, bent down, and picked it up, and just started heading off. Just grabbed it and began to ride away like a bunch of cars hadn’t just watched him. My dad was about to say something when a cop car adjacent to us swerved in front of cycler and made him give it back.
Cycler bumped into the cop car and was trying to go around when he was tackled. I think they might’ve arrested him but the light changed so we couldn’t stick around.
Coolest instant karma I’ve ever seen.”
12. Obnoxious Kid Face Plants To The Ground
“Worked after school care for school-age kids. There was this one kid who was pretty obnoxious and got under everyone’s skin.
One day I see him walk into the room just needling another kid. He ends his provoking with a Nelson from the Simpsons ‘ha ha!’, spins around, and face plants on the ground. The kid he was provoking gave him a ‘ha ha!’ back and walked off. Obnoxious kid gets up, dusts himself off, and humbly slinks away and is pretty quiet for the rest of the day.”
11. Tried To Cheat My Way Into Washing My Clothes For Free But The Washer Had Other Plans
“The washers and dryers in my apartment building are run through Bluetooth and an app you download on your phone. I figured out that if I put my phone on airplane mode while simultaneously pressing the start button on the machine, the washer would start but I wouldn’t get charged. I was so proud, tried the same thing on the dryer and it worked. Went to get my clothes out of the dryer an hour later and everything was covered in melted Hershey kisses.”
10. Make Fun Of My Injury? You'll End Up With The Same One
“I had a day off work and as I was making breakfast, I accidentally sliced my fingertip with a bread knife. I wrapped it up and went to Urgent Care.
It didn’t need stitches but the doctor put a couple of Steri-Strips on it and said not to use it for a day or two and stay off a keyboard.
I went to work the next morning, told my boss that I had to stay off a keyboard for a couple of days so I had to do some other kind of customer service that didn’t involve typing.
She said no problem.
As I walked out of the room I remembered I had to tell her something else and as I was walking back in, I heard her mocking my injury. Just as she finished, she accidentally slammed the door of the one-ton safe on her hand. I laughed and said Karma’s a ****. She said yeah, I kind of deserved that.
She didn’t break it but she couldn’t use it so she had to call another supervisor to come in for the day so she could get it checked out.
When the gauze came off my finger a couple of days later, she saw the strips holding it together and admitted that it did look kinda bad and she shouldn’t have made fun. I accepted and brushed the incident off.”
9. Impatient Driver Thinks He's In The Clear Until The Cop Gets To Him
“Years ago, my bro and I were going to school together. He was driving, I was the passenger. The route we take involves turning onto a road that is 4-lane, then becomes 2-lane for a little under a mile, then back to 4-lane.
I can’t remember the setup exactly, but we turn onto the road where it becomes 2-lane and find we are behind a little red compact car. The speed limit here is 35 and this car is going 31-33. My bro and I are chilling a good distance, the road splits soon, no need to be impatient.
The black sports car behind us did not agree. He rode our tail tight.
The whole ~mile we never saw his grill in the mirrors, just windshield with Sir Jerkface furiously behind the wheel. We approach the 2-to-4 expansion, I notice a solid white Charger parked on the other side facing the opposite direction. There are two guys in-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK.
As we approach the split, the little red car naturally goes into the right lane. My bro starts to follow it for a second, then catches himself and switches to moving toward the left lane.
Sir Jerkface sees this and has none of it, that left lane is his. He sits on the horn as he guns full speed straight towards the left lane (and us.) My bro quickly swerves right just enough to dodge, then goes back into the left lane as we regain ourselves and I put together what just happened.
We sit there for about 3 seconds, breathing heavily and staring at each other.
Then, I remember the Charger. I spin my head around to confirm my suspicion. Yep, it tore a U-turn at the split and was rapidly approaching us. I yelled at my bro to quickly return to the right lane. As he completed that, the Charger hit its lights and sirens and sped past us towards the red light ahead, where Sir Jerkface was impatiently waiting.
It was happening.
We reach them as they are pulling off to the side. I give an enthusiastic two thumbs up to the Charger as we pass. I drove that road on average 4 times a week for 4 years, I have not seen that Charger parked there before or since. The one day it was, was the day I needed it. My guardian angel, my sweet justice.”
8. Throw A Stress Ball At Him? It'll Come Flying Back To Hit You
“A girl in school used to tease everyone and just be generally annoying. She was tossing this stress ball around and aimed it at this one kid’s head. Someone yelled ‘look out’ at him and so he looked up, saw the ball coming at him, and put up his hands in self-defense. It bounced off his arms and back at the girl and hit her right in the mouth.
It was a soft squishy stress ball so it didn’t hurt her, but we all openly laughed at her and her surprised expression so she sat down quietly from embarrassment. She still kept being annoying but she stopped throwing things at people’s heads.”
7. Tried To Egg Someone's Car...Egged My Own By Mistake
“Loaded up an egg in one of those water balloon slingshots to launch at someone’s car. The thing snapped backward and launched the egg straight toward the window of my own car parked nearby.
The window was open maybe an inch and the egg entered that space and fantastically exploded all over the inside of my car.
We were cleaning up tiny bits of eggshell even months later. Never egged another car again.”
6. Guy Throws Tantrum Over 35 Cents And Gets Kicked Out Of Store
“Back when I worked at a hardware store, this dude threw an absolute **** fit because the system refused to refund one of the sixteen items he was returning.
Dude proceeds to scream at the top of his lungs, shout at, threaten, and get in the face of, in order: Me, the other cashier, the store manager, and about 3 other customers.
He’s told repeatedly to leave the store as he’s no longer welcome there, but he refuses and instead stands in the entranceway screaming and shouting at every customer that walks in to not shop there cause the store is ripping him off.
Well, maybe 10 minutes or so into this whole episode (probably 5 or 6 of which he spent screaming at people entering the store), the cops show up, and his face just falls SO **c***g fast and he gets reaaaaaaal quiet and starts trying to meekly make excuses like ‘well, uh well you see they wouldn’t return my item, and–‘ but the cops were basically just like ‘dude we don’t **c***g care.
They told you to leave. Get lost, and if you ever come back to this store, we’re arresting you.’ What’s even more amazing is that we TOLD HIM we were calling the cops and that they were on his way. IDK whether he thought we were bluffing or he thought the cops would take his side or what, but yeah.
The absolute best part?
Out of maybe 16 items he was returning with a total value of over $200, the ONE item that the system wouldn’t return was a literal 35 cent PVC pipe fitting. He GOT the $200 worth of other items returned and got his money like he wanted, but then still felt the need to throw a massive tantrum over 35 cents.”
5. Refuse To Drive Us Home? You Won't Get A Lift When You Need One
“Last summer my friends and I went out to a party. Naturally, we got pretty drunk being a bunch of 16-17-year-old girls. When it was time to go home our friend Jane tells us she can drive us home since where we were staying was 3 minutes from her house.
But on the car ride home she tells us she’s just going to drop us off in the morning before she goes to work at 11 and she lives 6 minutes from where she works (yes the place we were staying was on the way). So the next morning we wake up and remind her to take us home. ‘One minute,’ she says. ‘I just have to look at something,’ she says before sitting on her phone for 20 minutes before looking up.
‘It’s too late to drop you guys off, I gotta go later.’
We remind her of how close her work is and how we are literally on the way – not to mention she has almost 20 min to get to work. Her justification? She just had to clock in 10 minutes early before every shift, why?
‘Sorry, my parents raised me right.’ She said before walking out.
We looked at each other like ‘w*f are we gonna do’ but then the door swings open again. There’s Jane in all her selfish glory. She eyes the other girl (Alyssa) whom she dragged to her house. ‘I can’t find my keys, can you give me a ride to work?’
Alyssa ended up taking us out to breakfast and dropping us off at home.
No ride for Jane tho.”
4. Angry Ex Wants To Start A Fight, So I Get Him Kicked Out Of Every Bar
“Started seeing a girl a few months back and her ex was being just a huge **s***e to her, threatening to fight me if he saw me, trying to start rumors, etc…
Went out for drinks with my partner and, of course, he shows up. Starts to get in my face at the bar and gets kicked out. Rushes the door guy to get back in and is carried out and banned from that bar for life.
Then I had another genius thought… What if I could do this at the bar next door..? (It’s a smallish town.
There are really only two bars worth going to for nightlife, and they’re right next door to each other.)
So, we go next door. He’s waiting outside for me but there’s the usual ‘don’t do it, bro!’ friends around him so I make it next door without having to fight. Of course, he comes in, starts his act, and actually tries to fight me this time.
He gets pulled off by a few people and is also kicked out of that bar for at least a while.
Fight with your brain, not your fists.”
3. She Made Her Night Worse After Rudely Refusing My Help
“After a night of drinking in lovely Liverpool, ended up in the Kebab shop of course. There’s this one obnoxiously loud drunk girl in one of the booths trying to make friends with EVERY male and flirt her way into free chips.
After a while, I notice that this group of lads had poured mayo all down her black dress as she was chatting **** to their mate in the queue.
They left and I subsequently (girl code y’all) went up to her quietly and tried to give her a bunch of napkins and explain.
Immediately she spun around, got in my face, and screamed a tirade of abuse about bothering her, ‘who da **** are yous talking to me?’
So I left it, sat back with my group. She promptly sauntered out of the shop, forgetting the small 2-inch high step out front, and went a**e over t*t.”
2. Another Writer Supported Me When I Was Down On My Luck
“Back in 2011 or so, I was struggling to make ends meet. I worked part-time at a gym, but I also tried to make ends meet with my writing, i.e, advertising my services on Craigslist to edit people’s resumes, essays, or to help them write business letters, that kind of thing.
I ended up creating and writing a resume for this one young man, taking time to meet with him and ascertain what he’d like me to put in his resume. I charged him $40 for the work, but when I submitted his completed resume, he never paid me the money (I was naive then, not understanding that I should not complete someone’s work until they at least pay me half for my services).
So I ended performing a service for someone without getting paid.
Around this time I was looking into writing a novel and attend a week-long novel writing workshop in San Francisco — free of charge. I developed a rapport with the group, and our last night we went to dinner at Fisherman’s Wharf. One of the ladies in the group struck a rapport with me, and at the end of the night, she asked if I could give her a ride back to San Leandro.
It wasn’t a problem for me, as it wasn’t too far out of the way, maybe ten miles or so. She said she would pay me gas money, and I expected $10 or $15. But when I dropped her off she handed me $40 instead. That was the exact amount I should have gotten from that prior writing gig, so I always felt God paid me back for my troubles.”
1. I Will Never Take Away My Dog's Toy Again
“I got mad at my dog one time for whimpering over and over again for my attention wanting to play with a rope toy. I was trying to talk to a friend about a video we were watching but my dog just wouldn’t shut up, so I turned around, snatched the toy real quick, and aggressively swung it up towards me, which in turn made my dog let go of the rope, and it whiplashed. The thick knotted end of it came straight at my face and smacked me, hard, right in between my eyes, and ***** broke my ***** nose.
***** came out my nostrils like a faucet and I ran to the bathroom. Everything got all hot and I was instantly dizzy and lightheaded, so we went directly to the ER.
I just recently got a bill in the mail from Baylor medical for over $500, and that’s even after insurance deducted their portion. The cartilage separated completely from the bone of my nose and the entire right side is majorly constricted. Reconstructive nose surgery was costly for me to do, or at least seemed too unnecessary, so I instead left it as is, and my nose skin now feels loose, the bone at the top is slightly shifted, and the tip is crooked very clearly to one side.
I still get frustrated at my dog sometimes, but hopefully, I never again make the mistake I did that day because as they say, karma’s a ****.”