With spring upon us, it’s always a good idea to get into your spring cleaning habits. I love to do some spring cleaning — it’s a time for me to donate a lot of the winter gear that I know we haven’t used in so many years; I also enjoy putting away all the extra winter stuff and bringing out the planters, fun garden ornaments, and even my spring sandals!
As important as it is for you to have a clean home, it is equally essential that you have a good smelling home. Now, people have different ways of ensuring that their home smells nice and fresh — as do I! I love myself a whole lot of candles that I light around the house. But, I also like myself a good DIY project sometimes as well. So, the tips shared below, are perfect for when I want to spend some time on a project for the house!
If you’re interested in knowing how to use household ingredients and items to make your home smell nice, then continue reading!
6. A Slow Cooker Will Soak Up Odors
It’s time to absorb bad odors, not cover them up with air fresheners. Add water into a slow cooker with three tablespoons of baking soda. Then, turn the pot to a “slow” setting and let your mixture simmer until you can sense that all the odors are absorbed. You can even throw in a slice of lemon, a stick of cinnamon, or a few drops of essential oils to the mix!
5. DIY Plug Refills
I bought a ton of these during Christmas time, but the plug air fresheners didn’t come with refills! Time to make my own. All you need to do is remove the bulb and rinse it if need be. Fill the bulb with your desired essential oil, halfway — this will ensure that you’re leaving enough room for the wick to go back in. Give it a good shake, and plug away!
4. Remove Pet Odors
Take two parts water and one part mouthwash. Mix them in a bottle and spray where you think there’s a lingering pet odor.
We always spend money on buying air fresheners to remove odors from the house. It’s an easy way out because you purchase the item and spray it all over. But, there’s a way that you can save a few bucks and avoid buying the fresheners at your local department store. Try out some fun DIY projects!
If you give these projects a shot, you’ll notice that they don’t even take that much of your time. You’re saving yourself the hassle of going out to the store to buy a candle, or air freshener, because you have all the ingredients to make something that smells just as good, right at home!
Keep reading below to find out more ways to keep the house smelling fresh!
3. Vinegar And Water For The Win
Old furniture can start smelling. To ensure that your guests aren’t exposed to that musty smell make this mixture and spray it on that vintage couch: mix one part apple cider vinegar and one part water. Simply spray your solution onto the furniture.
2. Use The “Hang A Teabag” Trick
Tea always smells refreshing and yum! Hang your favorite flavor anywhere you feel that has a funky smell; the teabag will quickly absorb all odors.
1. Make A Fabric Spray
This one is different from the furniture one! For this spray, you need your favorite essential oil, a tablespoon of baking soda, and water. Combine them all, mix well, and start spraying!
Did you find these tips helpful? What are some of the things you use to ensure your house is always smelling clean and fresh? We’d love to know in the comments below!