40-Year-Old Woman Trades Her Long Hair For A Pixie Cut

It takes courage to make a big change to your physical appearance – to want to look different, feel different, start a new chapter and feel good doing it! It takes boldness, and creativity and the will to want a change, and be ok with it if it comes out different than expected! And with hair? Anyone with long hair, man or woman, knows how emotional it can be to walk in looking one way and walking out looking another!

As a self-proclaimed “empty-canvas,” Angela decided, after seeing photos of herself and her long scraggly hair, that she need a change. Or, more appropriately, she needs some paint. And paint, she got!

Christopher Hopkins, The Makeover Guy, has added his special touch again! Angela sought to shed her old self, and get a new lease on life. On the confessional camera just before her makeover, Angela shares how even though her husband loves her long hair, she didn’t feel like herself anymore. She wanted a change, and after watching “House Of Cards,” Angela knew she wanted Robin Wright’s short and stylish pixie cut.

This woman’s got zero fear, and with the first big snip, there’s goes her two feet of long hair. Angela told Christopher to hold on to it though because she has a friend in need who wants to make a wig out of it – and with that much hair, her friend will have a beautiful wig. What a thoughtful gift!

The moment most of the hair was cut, Angela’s look of relief is evident as she sighs and gasps with peace. She is also wearing a huge smile on her face and is in love with her stunning transformation.

I think this one has to be one of the best makeover stories that I’ve seen in a while! Not only is the reaction so perfect, but Angela’s personality is so commendable. She fully embraced the idea of going in with a big change, and didn’t falter once when all that hair came off her head!

If that was me, I think I would have a little freak attack before allowing anyone to continue with their work! (Hey, don’t judge me, my hair takes YEARS to grow!)

Click on the video below to watch the full overhaul take place! This one is big!

Source: FaithTap

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