Ellen DeGeneres Gives $20,000 Scholarship To Teen Who Was Kicked Out Of School For His Hair

School dress codes exist for different reasons. A primary reason schools enforce these codes is to keep students’ emphasis on learning. Another reason is to give students the opportunity to practice dressing appropriately in professional settings for when, say, they attend an interview or walk into a courtroom. Although dress codes can be restricting, I was thankful that my schools growing up didn’t have too strict of rules regarding our physical appearance.

DeAndre Arnold, an African-American senior from Barbers Hill High School in Mont Belvieu, Texas, wasn’t so lucky when school administrators picked on him for his long dreadlocks. The teen was told that if he didn’t cut his hair or at least tie it in a specific manner, he wouldn’t be allowed to attend school anymore nor walk at graduation. In punishment, he’d either face suspension or be forced to attend an alternative school. Not long after the news surfaced, DeAndre was featured on The Ellen Show. 

“You get good grades. You’ve never been in trouble, ever. This is the first time anything has come up. And now you haven’t been in school for weeks because of this situation.” Ellen DeGeneres reiterated in shock.

Like most of us, Ellen just doesn’t understand the odd dress code policy. She believes that if females can have long hair, then so should guys. DeAndre agreed.

For the 18-year-old, keeping his dreadlocks wasn’t just a matter of self-expression and having equal rights among his peers, but it was also a way for him to connect to his heritage.

“It’s really important to me because my dad is from Trinidad, and I really wish the school would kind of be open to other cultures and just, at least let us try to tell you some things. Don’t just shut us out.”

While DeAndre was unable to convince the school himself, Ellen hopes that by having him featured on her show, the school administrators may have a change of heart.

“I am begging you. This kid is a good kid. He deserves to graduate, to walk with all the other kids. He’s a good guy. I just am urging you to do the right thing. Please,” Ellen said to the camera.

Apart from standing up for the senior, Ellen also had another special surprise for him: a $20,000 scholarship for college! Alicia Keys came out to present the large check to the aspiring veterinarian.

“I want to tell you that, I couldn’t believe the story when I heard it, and I’m super proud of you for standing up for what you know is right. And I know that the school needs to do the right thing,” Alicia said to DeAndre.

I think Alicia is right!

Learn more about this news story below.

Source: Today

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