2-Year-Old Sings “Star Spangled Banner” Using Own Language

Toddlers doing their best to sing and speak a language they’re learning is so sweet witness. And it’s hard work on their part! Learning to pronounce words when you don’t know how to fully speak yet takes a lot of listening power and patience. This is why singing helps people learn new languages. Putting a tune to otherwise unknown words helps to make sense of the unknown and makes things a little easier!

This is 2-year-old Maddy Dellaca giving her best shot at singing “Star-Spangled Banner,” and she pulls it off exceptionally well considering she doesn’t have all the words down!

Maddy’s dad likes to sing, and it’s one of her favorite past times to hang around listening to him, especially for his auditions. When mom Chelsea overheard her little girl try to give singing a shot, she immediately grabbed her phone to snap a video to share.

Tiny Maddy is wearing a little backwards hat singing the American anthem into a toy microphone clutched in between her hands. Maddy must have picked up the song and its lyrics from when dad was practicing the anthem for an audition to sing at an Iowa Cubs baseball game.

Although Maddy can’t nail all the words, she is still a star and makes up her own similar sounding words that do just as well! She’s chosen syllables and sounds that are used in place, and it’s her ability to get the rhythm and melody that’s exceptionally good! Even when she momentarily loses her balance off the stool, that has become her mini-stage, Maddy’s recovery is swift and cute! What a starlet!

Click below to watch Maddy deliver an original performance of America’s national anthem.

Source: ShareTap

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