Girl Is Playing Piano At Airport When Two Pilots Join In

Between planes, trains, and automobiles, traveling is hard work and it’s tiresome. I’ve spent many times sleeping in airports (sometimes on the cold, hard floor!) or walking around mindlessly just trying to kill time on layovers or missed connections. Airports are high traffic places, but there’s only so much people-watching you can do before you get bored and listless.

So when there’s a public piano just hanging out waiting for its ivories to be tickled, you know you’re in for a treat. This is the perfect spot to park it for a while and watch to see what happens!

As a schoolgirl was walking by, she couldn’t help but notice the sign on the lonely piano that read “Play Me.” And so she took the piano up on its offer, playing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” a beautiful, serene song selection.

Until two pilots show up and decide, they want to shake things up a little bit and choose something more rock ‘n roll. The one pilot pushes his way on to the piano, “Excuse me, love…” he says to the girl. He bangs a few keys to test out the piano, as the other pilot nears in. The girl looks very confused, but she steps aside patiently as the two not-so-gentle men start to hammer away.

But then it turns out alright because she’s able to join in on their boogie-woogie, rock ‘n roll duet. All three are jamming out creating some tremendous musical energy that’s lively and fills the airport corridor with joy and fun! People stop what they’re doing to hang out and listen as the three pianists share the piano. One of the pilots is a renowned professional player, Brendan Kavanagh, who’s been known to dress up and surprise unsuspecting strangers! This performance is an entertaining surprise!

Click below to watch how this fun musical performance goes down!

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