2 Dogs Have Different Takes On Celebrating Their Birthdays Which We All Know Too Well


Birthdays for humans can be filled with mixed emotions. There are two ways of looking at it – sure it’s hard getting older – more responsibility, more wrinkles, less youth. But it’s also a celebration of another spin around the sun, more memories made, and more experiences had.

And dogs are no different. Some react well to another birthday, and others, well, at least it ends with everyone laughing. Dogs are pretty funny creatures, their behavior often hilarious, sometimes destructive, and definitely never dull. What goes on in their little pooch heads? How is it that just the mere sight of a ball – or in this case cake – elicits such a dramatic response?

This first dog is Apollo, and it’s a photo of him seeing his birthday cake for the first time. It was captured at the otherwise impossibly precise moment (the you-couldn’t-capture-this-if-you-tried moment) when Apollo’s eyes grew at the shock and appreciation of his cake. This is your lucky day buddy! The expression of sheer joy and instant approval is precisely what Apollo’s face says, and it’s been resonating with people since going up – this photo garnered 19,000 upvotes in 24 hours on Reddit.

Here’s Apollo loving his birthday, it’s a good day for him, but…

… some dogs don’t like the attention. After all, one human year is several in doggy years! Wrinkles and achy bones happen a lot quicker for dogs than humans.

In the below video, there’s doggy number two who reacts quite differently than Apollo. When these owners gave their pup a birthday doggy treat, he responded in a gut-busting way that earned the video America’s Funniest Home Video title. It’s hilarious, and the owner’s laugh is just as entertaining.

Click below to see the funny and abrupt reaction. A big, warm, happy birthday to both dogs!

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