12 Synchronized Dancing “Sisters” Perform

Have you ever tried choreographing a dance in a large group? Like maybe 10-12 people who are all a part of the same performance, and you all need to have the same dance moves down pat? I know I have, and it’s no easy feat.

You have to ensure that everyone is on rhythm, catching each beat while moving their feet. Sally can’t be using her right leg while Jay uses his left; you can’t be doing the floss dance one way, while Nancy is doing it the other. A group dance can only look clean and well-put-together if there’s synchronization. In my opinion, the women in the video below know what I’m saying.

These Catholic nuns are in formation and ready to deliver something spectacular, but these are not your average “sisters.” With their backs to the camera, they’ve got something more in store.

As the familiar music starts to play, the 12 black silhouettes begin to dance, their movements methodical and graceful. They turn around, their arms above them and in prayer, and along with their habits, they’re donning colorful sneakers?! Now, you wouldn’t expect this of a nun, would you?

The song “I Will Follow Him” made famous by the 1992 hit “Sister Act” is heard, reminding the audience that it wasn’t a typical performance in the Hollywood blockbuster, so it definitely won’t be a ho-hum performance today, either. Although the women aren’t doing the singing, their dance sure does match the rhythm and vibe of the track! And, that’s exactly what you need. Vibe and rhythm will always get you far in your dance and understand the fact that you can dance like no one is watching, is also key!

There are two acts. The first is holy and solemn. The song is slow, the dancing is calm. The women are gearing up for the next round which is way more energetic. Cue the piano as it picks up speed, prompting the sisters to bend and playfully (and tastefully!) lift their habits to start dancing around with a little more oomph.

Their show is fun, spirited and no, they are not real nuns. This is what’s called Sister Act Zumba, a work out routine to the theme of “Sister Act,” the film Whoopi Goldberg made famous.

Click below to see just how much fun these sisters are having!

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