Confession time: I can have pizza for all three of my meals — every single day. I had pizza for dinner last night, and it wasn’t just a boring pepperoni pizza, either. It was a chicken and bacon pizza with barbecue sauce instead of tomato. It’s not your everyday run of the mill pizza, but it was terrific.
As it turns out, people eat pizza differently all over the world and right around the corner. Everyone has a preference, and the best thing about pizza is that it can be made to your liking, no questions asked! With that said, some people may have gotten a little too creative with their free reign.
Here are some of the weirdest pizzas from around the globe — some look delicious, but others are an acquired taste.
1. Cicada Pizza
Anyone wondering what a cicada is? For those who don’t know, a cicada is a type of insect. Now, before we start traveling the world looking for unique pizzas, let’s start right here in the United States. It seems that cicadas, as a pizza topping, are famous in Missouri. Who would have thought?
2. Baked Bean Pizza
Beans on toast is a popular food in the United Kingdom, so it makes sense that baked bean pizza is a thing. Why not add it to be a part of your poor man’s breakfast the next time? I’d be willing to give this one a try!
3. Banana Curry Pizza
You’ll have to travel to Sweden to get your hands on this banana curry pizza. Just when you thought that bananas couldn’t get any more versatile than they already are, here you have it! Now you can even put ’em on your cheesy pie! To top it off, it has pineapple — totally a legitimate topping.
4. Crocodile Pizza
Travel to Sydney, Australia for a delicious saltwater crocodile pizza from the Australian Hotel at the Rocks. I would definitely eat this! Would you?
5. Mizza Rice Pizza
Found in South Korea and Japan, this pizza incorporates rice to make it just a little healthier. But, who says pizza isn’t healthy otherwise? With the number of figure-friendly toppings (spinach, broccoli, kale, chard, etc.) that you can add on there, you can make a very healthy pizza and call it a day! But, with all that said I wouldn’t want to give the mizza pizza a miss!
Most of us are used to pizza being one of our favorite, familiar foods. The chances are you even have a favorite pizza place that you grab from and a “regular” order.
But, the next time you’re craving it, try something new. Just pick up a pizza crust and sauce from the grocery store and top it with whatever you want. Cicadas may be hard to find, but you can put just about anything on a pizza. Get creative!
6. Shrimp Crust Pizza
South Korea and Japan have Pizza Hut, too, but the menu is a little different. You can try this stuffed crust pizza — each stuffed bite is topped with a whole shrimp. Whatchu shrimpin’?
7. Coconut Pizza
Not only is Costa Rica a gorgeous place to travel, but you can also enjoy this yummy looking coconut pizza! Any takers?
8. Mockba Pizza
Russia has a unique pizza called Mockba — it’s topped with sardines, tuna, mackerel, onion, salmon and red herring. Fragrant!
9. Indian Tandoori Pizza
Fans of Indian food will love pizza in India. It’s topped with tandoori chicken or mutton, pickled ginger and cottage cheese, and plain yogurt.
10. Pizza Berlsconi
I’m not sure how Santa would feel about this pizza from Finland. It’s topped with chanterelle mushrooms, red onions, and smoked reindeer.
Next time you order a pizza, try something new! Your local pizza place may not have reindeer or cicadas, but I hear that’s not all you can top it with!