This Is Omo, The Rare White Giraffe Spotted In Tanzania

Oh the wonders of nature! I say this because nature is both unpredictable but also quite beautiful. How many times have you looked outside your window on a snowy day and actually admired the beauty of the scene despite a random snowfall? Or, how about seeing an animal that you never thought existed, for the first time? Now that’s a quite the sight, isn’t it?

If you haven’t yet seen an animal, one that blows your mind mainly because you didn’t know it existed or this particular one doesn’t look like the animal you’re normally used to seeing, then you’re in for a treat. In the video below, you will see a giraffe with a pigmentation that doesn’t necessarily match that of it’s counterparts. Omo, the 15-month-old giraffe, has white skin.

Omo suffers from leucism, a disease that usually results in partial skin color loss—but this condition doesn’t make Omo any less beautiful. In fact the giraffe is taking the internet by storm since her first appearance in 2015. Everyone wants to catch a glimpse of Omo because they find the animal to be simply stunning.

Omo is the perfect example of how nature works in mysterious ways. People would think that the giraffe was painted, or even bleached, to give it this effect on the skin, when really it’s a function of it’s own DNA and genetics.

The animal was first spotted by Dr. Derek Lee, in the Tarangire National Park in Tanzania.

Click on the video below to see all of Omo’s exclusive pictures and hear the story. Don’t forget to like and share this post with friends and family and give them something to marvel over.

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